Now, in RFG, Multiplayer will be different if developers use it's destruction. Lets say there is a sniper in the building on CoD4. You only have a set number of ways to get him/her in a claymore booby trapped corners. If you set on off, hes going to know you're there. In RFG, you could go through all that, or bash a hole through a few walls screaming "IMDA JUGGERNAT BIACH!", set a powerful explosive under the room, or bring the entire building down.
To be fair, I think LOCK was referring to innovative titles in this generation. There are far less, mostly because things have been done before, albeit how crappy they may have been. Destruction in and of itself is not innovative, but the way Volition uses it is innovative. There are few innovative ideas left in gaming, atleast with the current technology, but there are many ways to be innovative within the aspects that were originally innovative. Innovative starting to sound funny to anyone else?
What about this gen for consoles? Also, i backed up my statements, i didn't just say "PHIS1CS BAS3D FTW". Since you are the all knowing game critic, please, explain what you think the word "innovative" means.
Not as funny as Lagoon is to me right now. Yes but you did put it in ALL CAPITALS which gave me the impression that's all that mattered to you. Innovation, in gaming, would be a brand new idea that has never been done before. Destruction has been done many times over the course of this generation. An innovative game, or idea, would be Halo's Forge. To the best of my knowledge, no game has made a playable map editor where you and seven other people could all walk, shoot and edit on the map to your liking. It's not the same as a Map Maker as Map Makers don't let you play on them, again to the best of my knowledge. Heavy Rain sounds like it will be an innovative venture into story-based games where you can't 'fail' in the sense that the story goes on despite you killing a vital character. Demigod is innovative as it combines RPG elements and RTS elements to form an odd hybrid.
Well, I don't think we will all come to a conclusion on Innovative or not, but the main focus of this thread is how freakin' awesome RFG will be.
Well, then Halo 3's map maker is like RFG's destruction. They have both been done before, just not to the same extent. As for Heavy Rain, its seems to be similar to Indigo Prophesy, don't quote me on that, because i have seen very little IP, but a lot on Heavy Rain. Demigod is a PC game, this whole argument began with me talking about CONSOLES. BLAH! Why can't you accept that RFG's destruction is innovative, yes it has been done before, but so has shooting, platforming, role playing, user created content, and story telling in games. EVerything has been done before, so now it is up to the developers to expand on what was once innovative. Also, you are wrong about Halo 3's forge, LBP allows you to do the same.
Destruction hasn't bin done this well or emphasized up until RFG. Take my earlier example... for example. Halo's forge sucks, but it is different having friends be there with you
That's because the same people who are making Heavy Rain made Indigo Prophecy. Also, just for the record, I think Heavy Rain looks extremely boring.
Telrad, stop talking. Halo is not innovative Demigod is not innovative Destruction has never been done to this level You are seriously the most anal person in this thread.
Heres a cheat, it is given when you kill 100 EDF with the hammer YouTube - Red Faction Guerrilla super hammer cheat HD My god it just gave me an ideal, they should get Saints Row's pimp slap and attach it at the end of a stick and call it a hammer. I'm getting this game day one and it will make me fail my 3 current school projects and all my finals, making me ineligible for sports and end up playing this game all day everyday for the summer! Hopefully it won't go like that.
You could just go to Metacritic. Anyway, it seems some people are already getting the game which really grinds my gears because I cannot wait for this game.
I know I'm dreading that. I'm going to pre-order tommorow I know it's stupid that I haven't already, at least I will get 4 more WC maps. Oh and if you need a clan click my sig
Today is the day guys! I've been waiting for so long! I will only get to play for maybe about an hour or two, but I'm just so happy that it's finally here.