Yeah, I tried the demo and it's pretty fun. Smashing buildings with that hammer was kick ass. Although I got lost alot of times.
This is something entirely different from the beta. There were mixed feelings on the beta. Alot of people loved it, and alot of people thought it was mediocre. But, I've watched tons of beta videos, and there are too many things that have been added since them to give someone an accurate portrayal of the game.
To demonstrate how effective the destruction is, I will say this. I was playing the demo, in the car at the end, and I decided to try and bring a wind turbine down. So, I shot, expecting to see it crumple. In fact, I hit one of the turbine blades, and ONLY the moving part of the turbine fell, spinning as it went, leaving a massive turbine pole remaining. Epic.
Some extra news! Multiplayer demo: 2 maps, 9 weapons, 5 backpacks, and the gametype is Damage Control. All this is released on May 21. Only one week away!
That's cool. I'm excited to try Multiplayer. Hopefully it's good enough to make me buy the game. I need something to play during the Summer.
If you're looking for people to play with, I'm a member of a clan for the game, and we are gaining members fast. If you wanna know more, just PM me so I'm not advertising >.>
Just got the demo, I'm one of those people who enjoy cinematic gaming and this is the only time in a game where I've been able to escape by blowing a hole in the wall (sledge or det-pack, tried both, both awesome!). Also has anyone driven one of those six wheeled trucks through that two story building just before the first turret guarding the industrial walker, after three tries the building came down. That's the other thing, if you do enough damage to a building it will just fall down and this is where the game really did surprise me, it came down in chunks, realistically, after Saints Row 2, where everything just explodes and the debris flies away and despawns, I was just expecting it to collapse and let the physics take over, just like a lot of other games that claim to have destructible buildings. Oh, and if you get lost in that demo, you probably haven't played SR2. EDIT: 10 minutes after posting this I leveled every building on the playing field with a mix of det-packs and assorted cars, THIS IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION, DID NOT USE WALKER!
Yh and my xbox is broken and wont be back untill the real fkin release ;l June frickin 5th, my bday on fourth, so not only is my xbox going to be broken on my bday so whatever games I get I wont be able to play and I wont be able to play RFG FFS ;L
I played it last night, quite fun. I can't figure out how to fly real high with the jetpack. I know its LB but how do I actually go high up into the air?
I've been playing the MP demo, and it's amazing! I love how it's not so much about the "health" of the building as to when it comes down (like most games), but where you hit it, so good! Although I do think the rocket launcher is overpowered - too much ammo. Also I hate those people who just sit on top of the tallest structure with a rail driver or something, and jump right off at the first sign of danger... The SP demo really wow'd me aswell, the destruction and the realism was astounding. Pre-ordered my copy (from Amazon so gold sledgehammer FTW!)
I'm not sure what you mean. You just hold down LB and you go up. You can do it multiple times and land on a higher point in the map every time and eventually get really high. Also, everyone keep in mind that the Single Player and Multiplayer demo are early builds of the game. The full game will have even more to do and will be much more polished.
You sound like their PR. Anyway, I enjoy the game but I feel like there's something missing. It's just something feels off with the game.
Well, I spend alot of time around their official forums and know more about the game than the average person. I really want the game to do well, so I just give away as much info as possible.