Weapons List: x1 - Concussion Rifles (FFA Only) x2 - DMR's x1 - Grenade lancher (Team Only) x2 - Needle Rifles x2 - Plasma Pistol x1 - Frag Grenades x1 - Plasma Grenades x2 - Health Stations Red Base Blue Base Needle Rifles spawn Grenade lancher spawn Red Overview Blue Overview Download Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
I'm a little confused weather or not there is an outside to this map. You have that building in The last picture and there is ground underneah the grenade laucher spawn are either of those playable? Lastly the maps a little too basic which isnt a bad thing and I like how you incorporated the laser beam thing in the map but you should add a little more to break lines of sight and to add some pretty stuff to your map to increase downloads.
Yo, im in progress of making a youtube video displaying great maps up for download. Yes you will get full credit of your map. Hit me up if your interested. my gamertag: FFRANCIS30