Don't know if there is a certain time of day or not, but beavers are really rare. They say they are always near water, but there is a little field just east of the American Army/railroad camp where many can be found if you wait.
I spent a half-hour in multiplayer ****ing hunting down this one prick who shot and killed my horse. We fought until we reached Diez Coronas, where I had killed him at least a dozen times, rendering me with no ammo. He comes at me with his horse and a high powered pistol firing wildly. I unload my few final pistol rounds into his horse's head, throwing the rider off his horse corpse. He gets up, ready to fire while I'm desperately trying to change weapons to my knife. I fail, completely disarming myself. By this time, he's shooting at me with a Springfield, amazingly missing shot after shot. I'm running away, hoping to reach El presidio where I would find cover and possibly more ammunition. While calling my horse, I take a shot to the leg, still managing to evade death. My horse arrives and I jump on, riding my horse as hard as I can to escape my pursuer. I make it to El Presidio, only to find out that he is close behind my trail. I find the nearest Federale a stick him, taking his Henry repeater with around 7 rounds left. I leave to the entrance on the cliffside path to face him. As usual, this motherfucker is missing every shot save for one. I put every round I had left into his horse, making him fall a second time. My adversary is writhing on the cliffside, so I jump on the chance and throw punches while hes getting up. I throw another punch as he is readying to fire. My fist connects with his face, knocking him out. He falls off the cliffside and dies. After that he quits. I reign victorious.
That.Is.Awesome. I spent my time on my Xbox playing Read Dead Redemption once again. I went Bear hunting and managed to get chased by five of them at once. A cougar came alone but died quicly after a lucky headshot after I had used the last of my Dead Eye on two of the Bears. I managed to get the achievement for killing all animals in the game after I manged to randomly kill a duck and find a Beaver while I was hunting the Buffalo for another achievement. (which I have managed to screw up and now cannot get) I also played Multiplayer quite a bit. I managed to rank up to level 10 (from level 2 ) by joining a posse and going through gang hideouts. We then managed to join a party playing Team Capture the Bag and Deathmatch, which to my surprise I managed to get the achievement for winning four consecutive team games in a row with me getting the MVP for two of those games. Overall it was a good day on RDR and I haven't lost one bit of interest in this game yet.
4 Red Dead Redemption DLC packages scheduled throughout the rest of the year. Major details inside. Spoiler Legends and Killers Pack New active map locations, characters and more: - Release date: beginning of August 2010; - 9 new multiplayer map locations — more than doubling the amount of territories in the multiplayer competitive modes; - 8 new multiplayer characters — play as characters from Red Dead Revolver; - Introducing a new projectile weapon: the Tomahawk, with corresponding challenges for single-player and multiplayer gameplay; - New achievements and trophies; - Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE). Liars and Cheats Pack New competitive modes, multiplayer mini-games in Free Roam, and more: - Release date: TBC; - Attack and Defend multiplayer competitive mode and challenges; - New multiplayer horse races, complete with mounted combat; - Play as the heroes and villains of Red Dead Redemption, as well as 8 additional multiplayer characters; - Multiplayer versions of Liars Dice and Poker from the single-player game; - Introducing a new weapon: the Explosive Rifle, with associated challenges available in single-player and multiplayer gameplay; - New achievements and trophies; - Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE). Free Roam Pack Delve deeper into the world of Red Dead Redemption with new modes, challenges and gang hideouts to discover: - Release date: TBC; - Additional Free Roam challenges; - New action areas and defensive placements; - Posse scoring and leaderboards; - New anti-griefing measures in Free Roam; - Pricing: TBC. Undead Nightmare Pack Ghost towns and cemeteries come alive in a West gone horribly wrong: - Release date: TBC; - Brand new single-player adventure, challenges and quests; - 8 new multiplayer zombie characters; - Additional animals unleashed in the world; - New dynamic events and more; - Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE). Oh my god this is awesome.
AHEM. By far the best thing about this game in multiplayer is too chase down enemy posse's, or just too harras them. As I don't have the carcarno rifle yet in free roam, I take a journey down too Nosilida, pick it up, and head to the nearest 4 or more posse. Usually, they just like to play around, most often around the cannons at presido, so I take my rifle over there and set up around the cliffs. I just pick them off with my rifle and the throwing knive glitch. This pisses them off enough to start a chase, in which I head to the nearest quick travel and press 'a' by it. Doing so pulls me off the map, they leave, and then I quickly go back and harass them more. Yesterday, I rode into an 8 member posse of English people. Was hilarious.
I'd say that 8 member posse were the ones that were right by the Carcano Rifle? The ones that killed me around 15 times before I managed to actually get close to the gun? It got better when we went after the other group. I actually got some kills against them EDIT: @Shatakai's post: I need some money so I can actually get this game.
I finally finished the game, I don't want to ruin it for others who haven't finished but Spoiler the ending :'( not too sure how I missed the achievement with using the same horse though.. I had the same stallion you get from Bonnie till the end of the game :L
OMFGGG!!! I was saying earlier all they need to is add things like poker and some of the single player mini games and this would officially be the most kickass game ever! Now they need to make banks rob-able in MP.
So yesterday I started off with Chronik just playing some free roam. It was pretty epic, and we had some great lols. Eventually, I said I had to go, as I was tired, as did he, but then a group of modders (recognized because of their zebra-donkeys) appeared on the top of Cochinyah or however you spell it and all began to get the Public Enemey status. I made it my job to kill them off, and after several attempts, we failed. After awhile, I got two more people to join in our attempts (the modders had about 4), so it made it even. It was epic, as the enemy players were spread out just like the final showdown with Dutch, and we moved up as a team, orgainzed, etc. Finally, we got to the last two, which were hiding up in the ladder/cave area. It was me and Chronik, he killed the first, and I sprang out and killed the leader. It was great lols. After that, the players left, and it was me and my posse. We rode out to Peridio to get some kill streaks going, and as we were going, one of my posse members left the posse. We were like wtf, but he had left, so we just kept up the kill streaks. A good bit later, two more people joined our posse, capping it off for the night as 5 people, including Chronik and me. A twenty minute time period came by in which we mounted up the killstreaks, and then an opposing posse of like 4 came to destroy us. We fought them off, cannons and all, untill they got fed up and left. Chronik then left and it was just four. Suddenly, all the other players on the map joined the gang and started coming after us, 10 people at least. We held them off for as long as possible, maybe 15 minutes, until we had to flee to Esclara, where it all kind of broke down from there. Oh, and by the way, the posse leader of the opposition was the guy who had left us, crazy bastard. Anyway, fun times.
I finished the game. Sadface. This is one of the few games where I actually get attached to a character, and well... You know... I think they should make a single player addon to see what his son does in the wild west. I'd love that.
You forgot to mention our victory leap off the cliff after killing the modders. Seriously though. That's probably the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer since I got the game.