Red Dead Redemption General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I played my brothers copy of the game the last time I was at his house. Honestly, I think once I get the game (need money) I'll likely be playing it for months. I prefer the setting of Red Dead alot more than any GTA game I've played. The multiplayer is much better than I expected and free roaming is extremely fun. The only downside I could really think of is not being able to swim but even that isn't much of a problem.

    Shotgunning people of their horse is awesome :D
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    In multiplayer you unlock buffalos and bulls to ride. In singleplayer there are cars you ride in, but you never drive one.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Does anyone agree that Rockstar should invest all money and time in R* San Diego, because as it shows they make the best games, by far. GTA is good, don't get me wrong but RDR is in another league, elite. It isn't without its flaws, glitchy, borring duels etc. but the ending was fantastic, the whole game felt like a movie, no a series. Each mission, titled much like a tv episode but so engaging and interesting, the next more than the last.

    However, I so much desire to talk about the ending so....
    The ending was great, not so much a twist as was forshadowed with jacks book and we knew what ross was capable of. The last couple of missions are perfect as we see john finaly has his dream after all that work, we care for him as we have liturly walked a mile in his shows. But I do not care for jack, the other characters have been given hidden endings but not done justice, marshal retires, rickets dies in his sleep, reyes become leader of Mexico and Seth finds his gold. But hopefully DLC gives us a better insight into what happened, why and the whereabouts of Bonnie, west-dickens. also how the **** did Johns wife die. A very sad, realistic but unfinished ending.

    hopefully you read that and comment on what i've said, but keep it in spoilers for everyone else.
    #23 DRiSCOLL, Jun 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2010
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Why do people hate Jack? He's just John with a goatee and a different voice.
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I dont hate Jack, I like him just as much as John. I just hate seeing the main character die at the end of games :(
  6. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Put it in a spoiler dude, you just spoiled the ending for me -.-"
  7. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Am I the only one that mistakes people's titles for their gamertags consistenly?

    "Who the **** is this Silent Knight guy and how'd he get in our posse? ... Oh my bad Joe."
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Oh, **** me. I've been gone for the past week, so today I turn on my Xbox, download the Outlaws To The End Coop Pack, get the update for this game, and when I press A for single player, I get the message that no single player game save could be found.

    I was about 90% through with the game, and was literally 2-3 story missions from completing it. I love this game, and I will come back to it and beat it someday, but for now, **** it, I'm done.

    EDIT: Oh, don't worry, it doesn't stop there. Just checked my memory to see if the saved games showed up there, turns out I lost my saved games for EVERY SINGLE ****ING GAME I'VE EVER OWNED. Only thing on my HDD under games is DLC, Arcade games, and demos. WHAT. THE. ****.
    #28 Shatakai, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    That seems to be a recurring issue, my friend had the same thing happen to him; he thought it was because of a recent thunderstorm, guess it wasn't.

    Oh, and If you look, your achievements should be messed up too, FYI.

    As for the game, Im at 97.6% ATM, just need to finish up the last 9 bounty missions, and get sharpshooter 10. Those should put me to 99%, plus the outfit for all ambiant challenges lv 10, another .5%; and Im thinking the outfit for 100% complete comes at 99.5%, or it wouldn't count as percent.
    #30 pinohkio, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  11. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I was gonna get the DLC but after Shat's tragic story I'm a little scared. So currently in my save file I have just completed Master Hunter Rank 8: Kill a bear with your melee knife. HOLY SHI- I was freaking out. It almost killed me five times and it took over 20 slashes to finally bring down the beast.
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I was either very lucky, or that was one of the easier challenges. I got that on my first bear. Just shoot it 3-5 times in the body with a pistol and then it's just 1-2 knife slashes. In fact, the last 3 hunting challenges are way easier compared to others. Knifing cougars and wolves is way harder than knifing a single bear. And dear god, the hardest was the one to kill 5 foxes, skunks, and raccoons. Raccoons are ****ing impossible to find.
  13. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Where the hell do you find skunks?
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    There's a lot of them either north of Hanging Rock (where all the roads meet) or in a little field just southeast of Blackwater. That little field has skunks, foxes, and raccoons.
  15. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    There's skunks at night where it says the boars spawn in Texas. I found my 5 skunks there and much others. Watch out cuz there's also boars, wolves, and cougars. There's also racoons and beavers around there too but the beavers are rarer.
  16. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Holy ****, the ending...

    John slaps the horse and sends off his wife and son to safety, knowing very well he may not see them again. When he steps out of the barn doors to stare down a group of dozens of soldiers, my mind did exactly what Rockstar wanted it to. In the good 10-15 second stare down, my mind raced, looking for any possible way to escape, kill, distract, or do anything to save John. As I went into dead eye and marked as many as I could, I knew it was the end.

    This ending resonated so well with me, because Rockstar knew exactly how to make people feel. Cleverly enough, the change to Jack isn't really different at all. We played as John for the entire game, but essentially from Jack's point of view. We did not know who John Marston was. We heard snippets of stories of an old gang and an old life that we truly knew extremely little about. This is very similar to Jack's knowledge of the father that was never there, and was never willing to talk much about his old life.

    Finally, when I saw Edgar Ross on the edge of the Mexican border, I knew exactly what I would do. I played the entire game as an honorable man, sparing people who tried to kill me and always helping others. But, in this duel, I didn't even attempt to disarm Ross. I filled him with 6 bullets to the face and chest. And then, as Jack turned to the screen and walked away, I felt empty.

    Killing Ross didn't ease the pain of John dying. It probably wasn't even to bring him to justice. John was a killer, no matter how you look at it. He killed hundreds of people, and when he suddenly decides to leave that life, should he get a free pass to live, as if he'd never destroyed countless other families like his own? If anybody in this story was the good guy, it was Ross. Sure, he lied, killed, and backstabbed, but at least he lied to, backstabbed, and killed a killer, rather than innocent families.

    Either way you look at it, I felt exactly the same as Jack; a son who did not know his father, killed because he was angry, and became the very thing John Marston so desperately tried to save him from.
  17. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I shot him in the face and laughed. As I think about it more now, I realize like you said, it didn't really make my feelings about John get any better..
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I shot him in the nuts, then I shot him in the heart twice, then I painted his head red with the last 12 Mauser rounds. His lifeless corpse did a backflip into the river, and floated down stream. Instantaneous satifaction, but I. The long run, what I did came to me.
  19. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    I was pretty pissed off with the ending and was stuck with a kid with an annoying voice how said, "yee-haww" way too much" I missed being John in a poncho so I had fun with the cop guy and his family.

    I quicksaved it before I killed him in my own way along with his family.
    With his wife, I dragged her around then proceeded to drag her over the campfire near the house she sat in. It was satisfying to see her burn as I was angry.

    With his brother, I dragged him across the desert, hogtied him and then ran him over with a stagecoach or wagon thingy.

    With Ross himself, I aimed my gun at him first to cancel out the mission and then he was mine. I dragged him around and then hogtied him. I then went on to transporting him to that one house in Mexico with all the TNT outside it and placed him there. Then I threw a molotov at the freaking cop and there was a nice boom along with his body flying across the room.

    Then I loaded my game back to before the end mission so I could be John Marston again.

    Overall, I loved this game but personally, I dislike endings in games where the main character dies.
  20. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    So my brother let me borrow his copy since he never plays it. I finished the campaign a few hours ago and I must say, this is the only game where I've actually felt sad towards a character. Rockstar has done an excellent job on capturing the mood in this game.
    Honestly, after Dutch kills himself and John is free to go home, the song that was playing while riding back to the farm actually made my eyes feel weak. Watching John die at the end was also a greatly executed moment. These scenes are something I'd expect from a great movie. I honestly do not want to ever stop playing this game. I was a little disappointed when I had to start using Jack, but he eventually grew on me and has become one of my favorite characters in the game.
    Now that my little spoiler session is over, does anyone know where Beavers are found? I've checked the area they're marked at but I haven't had any luck. Is there a certain time of day they are out?

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