hey guys, knight here.. recently, i've been looking at my KK logo and thinking its kinda chubby and.. just not as sleek. here are some rebrands i have done, i want your guys' opinions. 1. Created with Trajan Pro font, with touch ups. 2. Same as number one, but i changed around thingies on the main bar... you should understand from the pic. 3. (current) 4. my current looked chubby, so i slimmed it in this one. thoughts? advice? opinons?
I like the slimmed version of the current one the best, then again, thats my opinion, and I don't know too much about what looks good and what doesn't.
I really like the slimmed down ver. of the one you already have, but shorten the "I" in the middle. Slide the bases of the two branches of the k's together, and have the curve sorta go out above and below the i. It'd look better IMO.
Still like the 4th one.. Looks another better then the other ones (1 & 2 ), because it looks more Greek? Or it just doesnt look nice. Like I said though the slimmed version is ftw
bam. thats the thinned out one, plus cropped the height a little as per black's suggetsion. i think it looks epic!
If your still working on it, then maybe you could add a slight gradient from this to this or a slightly darker gray. Just to add some depth to the simplicity.
just wondering, what is this used for? and a gradient would be cool i guess, but add a transparent background to it.
I think it goes infront of his avatar, like the current KK, unless he is talking about the old avatar that i don't remember.
yeah i put it on my avatar but its also the mark that i leave on LP's and tuts and stuff.. its how i watermark it
Your logo has always looked pretty cool, but this one is definitely the best version so far. I like pinohkio's suggestion of using a gradient too... it might give it a bit of Web 2.0-style flare lol.