
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Voltage, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    This UNSC supply base serves as a restock and refuel station for Spartan operations. 2-6 players.


    My original intent for this map was to do a mash-up of my favorite maps of Halo 3. Ultimately, it ended up becoming a reimagination of The Pit, with recognizable pieces from other Halo 3 maps.

    This map is completely symmetrical. It is setup for every default gametype except race and invasion, with static spawns on team games. It is a little smaller than The Pit, so is probably best for teams of 3 or less, though it has spawns to hold up to 10 players.

    It is built in the air a little off of the Island. I chose this location so when you go through the lifts you have different views for reference. When going to Blue side, all you see is water. When you go to Red side, you see the island and cliffs.

    This map is very aesthetically pleasing, and still performs well. I did not notice any framerate issues even in splitscreen, even while zooming across the map. Juicy and Next Gen are used to bring the colors out more in the vast of gray.


    2 DMRs - 1 spare clip - 90s
    2 NRs - 1 spare clip - 90s
    1 AR - 2 spare clips - 90s
    1 Shotgun - 1 spare clip - 120s
    1 Needler - 1 spare clip - 90s
    1 Rocket - 1 spare clip - 150s
    2 Snipers - 1 spare clip - 120s
    2 Stickies on Needler - 45s
    2 Frags on AR - 45s

    (These are straight from memory and may not be exactly right, but should be close.)


    Outside, featuring the lifts similar to Narrows. Rockets spawn along the balcony. The falcons were removed in a recent update (see below).

    Red side

    Middle Area, similar to The Pit

    Top of Blue base, with a lift similar to Guardian's

    Bottom of Red base

    Blue tower, from The Pit

    Camp Froman, from Last Resort

    Froman side view from top of Red base

    Back of Blue base, leading to lifts. The Goose only spawns on Team games

    Where the picture above leads

    Views from afar



    6/2/11: Removed the Falcons and added windows to the side of the base opposite of lift. Hopefully that makes things a little prettier.

    #1 Voltage, Jun 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  2. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Really like the idea going on, it kinda reminds me of Cargo Port. However, i think you should work on the ceilings ( maybe make them slope upwards? ) because i think it looks bland on the inside with the current ones, especially the blue tower picture. Gameplay wise, i haven't tested it out yet so i cant comment.
  3. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Thanks for your ideas. I liked your idea to improve the looks of the Froman side. It would have been difficult to slant the roof, so instead I removed the falcons so that I could add windows to that side. Hopefully that will make things less bland over there. Thanks again for your comment.
  4. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Its awesome how it is your own map along with a lot of other old halo maps. also, i noticed that the grav lift is from narrows :p rlly like it, i'll dl and give it a try.
  5. StealthNYC139

    StealthNYC139 Forerunner

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    I enjoyed this map. A little too open for my taste, but it was well made regardless. You potentially could do something insanely amazing in the future. Keep forging.
    Is this final? Are you working on something else atm?

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