BACKGROUND I have been playing Halo 3 for over a year now, and I have owned a capture card for a while, but just recently have gotten it to work. I now want to create custom game videos to show people, who can't get enough out of screenshots, great maps which they may be missing out on because the creator doesn't have a capture card. Now I plan on changing this, with the help of avid gamers. JOINING If you want to take part in these games, send me a private message or leave a comment and I will contact you before we start making the videos. I will be sure to give at least a 2 hour notice, giving as many people a chance to join that can. I will ALWAYS contact you by private chat, or by your request, email (if you give it to me) I most likely WON'T contact on Xbox Live, because most likely, I will not have room on my friends list. Anyone is eligible to join, as long as you come to an invite, and understand this post. No mic is required, as long, again, you read this post. GAMEPLAY During the recording sessions, I WILL play the same map from 2-4 times, depending on the length, so that I am sure I have enough footage to make a 1-3 min clip. Later on that day, I then go into theater, and customize the videos before I even put it on my computer. Then I edit the videos on Windows Movie Maker, making a video that promotes the map. This means that I find important events (accidents, deaths, kills, shots, sticks, dodges, flips, jumps, bounces, turns, scenery, etc.) and put them in a video. ***I give the person who does this recognition and notification by putting his/her name in a youtube bubble for about 3 seconds during their part in the video. Your name will show up once per clip you were in. ***You cannot demand for a clip to be put in the finally video. You can however suggest a time (IE 1:49 of a clip) when you remember you did something significant. ***You may not star in every video, even though you played in the map. I try my best however to include everyone participating in at least one clip. This is one of the reasons for doing multiple games of the same map. IMPORTANT MISC. I will not make videos on your schedule, you will join on my schedule. You may request a map to be used in a video, but it is up to me to accept it. You may add ONE quote to the review/Youtube description. Just message it to me. Your input is requested. Please, if you have a comment, please tell me so I can put it.
Its takes skill to make successful map promo's, more than just recording the main events of the game. You need to know about things like camera angles and and different types of shots, speak to some of the video makers here on forge hub they will be able to give you advice. I also Reccomend getting a better movie maker because the windows movie making isn't the greatest, I'm not sure as to which free ones are good though so you might want to ask around.
Well as far as I'm concerned, the two videos that I have already created are sufficient enough to display what I intend to. YouTube- Halo 3 Custom Gamez - RaceTrack 02 - Fossil Canyon YouTube- Halo 3 Custom Gamez - RaceTrack 01 - Zephyr
Well i was looking at it from a customers point of you view. When you'r capturing peoples maps for them they will want you to make their map look unique and special and you have to take that into account. i didn't want to sound agressive in the last comment I was just giving you some advice so you could make this more succesful