I got a game or two down on this back when I held a TGIF a few weeks ago. It really is an excellant remake. I don't usually like remakes all that much because they're nothing new, but I do really like this one. As construct can't be played in Reach, it's a nice contrast from H3 to Reach. Well done
No, and no. Small "hic ups" can be game breaking, at least in regards to MLG play. As for TV quality, many of us are playing on some fairly high end TVs... This, as well as the other entries, don't suffer from FR more than the typical map... But that's probably because these fall into the same typical quality level. The map is well made and above average, but FR is sub-par. I barely got any lag on most, but its often times circumstance based. Most noticeable is when there are several players within each others immediate vicinity. On this map in particular it can get down right awful on open street towards gold lift as well as in the lobby/sword area. One of my favorite maps from the Halo series as a whole. Sadly, no forger can do it justice. Now if frame rate can lag even slightly while playing one a single screen, playing on split screen compounds the issue drastically. Right now MLG and Bungie are having major issues even getting Genome to acceptable FR quality, and that map is virtually FR lag free! If that can't meet Bungie's quality standards, what makes you think this (or any of the other winners) have any chance of being of suitable quality?
Are you kidding? All MLG maps lag. All the default bungie maps have the exact same "hiccups", their remake of Sanctuary lags. Forge is impossible without those hiccups because Reach is poorly designed in terms of framerate. It's completely unavoidable. The only fix is a new game. A two fps drop is going to have to be tolerated, otherwise everyone might as well give up forge. Splitscreen...don't put yourself through that hell, it's completely broken. As for Tvs..all high end plasma and LCD will have some lag, no matter the refresh rate. Most often, people will complain that there is "lag" in a map, when it's really just their TV failing. That's why you'll get in a game and have one person complain about a "really bad lag spot" that no one else can see. Often people who think they have high end TVs don't. Did you buy it yesterday? No, then there is something much better already.
Of course all the MLG Forge Maps that are being considered right now lag. The vast majority of maps out in the community lag, if only in split screen. However I did learn one thing today while doing split screen tests on various maps... Natural terrain de-renders in split screen, and Bungie's Sanctuary remake actually has better frame rate on split than it does on full screen. Also, cliff hanger, atom and pinacle are all lag free on split screen, however maps composed of 90% or higher forge pieces (especially for flooring) suffer from split screen lag. The more pieces that are "fused" together complicate things further. I'm in the process of studying this more in depth with a few other forgers and plan on writing up something a little more comprehensive afterwards. And back on subject: I have nothing against the map featured here. I love it and do play on it on (rare) occasions. The minor frame rate doesn't bother me much, but it is there and it does get bad on occasion.
If you took awesome and mixed it with greatness and turned it into a flesh eating virus this map would destroy humanity. I mean to say the gameplay is as infectious as the Halo 3 matchmaking version. This map is everything Construct was and translates into Reach amazingly well. The only problem I had was the lifts on the main deck not always working properly; other than that THIS IS CONSTRUCT REMADE. super fantastic amazing good work, thanks soooo much for doing it, always was one of my favorites.... Im just going to add; FR, wahh wahhh. Done crying about it, great map.
Superb remake. 5v5 felt just like it did in halo 3, with the exception of AAs changing gameplay. The grenades don't go through the main lift anymore, but if anything thats actually an improvement. Best remake thus far, IMO
Excellent remake but because of the lag with framerate I can't play on it. Visually this map is superb but with the Reach physics and gameplay, it's just not the same fun from halo 3.