So here is my remake map that I have been working on for the Forgotten Treasures 2 contest. It is an accurate remake of Construct from Halo 3. I have been working on it for the past week and the forging is pretty much done, but I still need to place out the spawns and weapons. I managed to get all the lifts to work well, which is what I thought would be the most difficult task. I am working on eliminating some of the framerate issues that occur because of all the objects, but I don't know if its possible to fix that. So heres a few preview pics. I will be setting up some testing sessions when everything is finished and I appreciate any feedback you might have. Thanks in advance.
Woah this looks sweet. The best looking Construct remake so far. I have seen quite a few but they're all just mediocre. Send me invite and (and a message saying who you are) when you're online and Ill be glad to help test if Im available.
Those stunt ramps stick out like a sore thumb, and I get the distinct impression that the map is too small (but I get that impression on a lot of maps) but otherwise this looks good.
Looks great so far. Just think you need to clean it up a bit now. There seems to be too many edges poking out etc. Your last pic is a good example. You need to clean up those ramps too make your map look more polished.
Why remake one of the most unbalanced maps in all of Halo 3? If you're going to make this into a good map, you might want to consider rebalancing/editing Construct in a way that makes it more fair for people on the bottom, and gives some reason to not just camp Top Gold. Currently, Countdown is the only Construct remake I need.
Updated images: Mouseovers: [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] I am currently setting up gametypes. Any suggestions for a weapon to replace the flamethrower?
For a flamethrower, a rocket launcher with no spare clips. Just a suggestion. It needs to be a power weapon with limited ammo. A grenade launcher? Looks like a sweet map anyway, good luck