BACKSTORY: This is a CCS class covenant battlecruiser name Truth and Reconciliation. After this cruiser was disabled by the Pillar of Autumn's AI Cortana it was assaulted by the infectious flood. In this senario you will step into the shoes (or whaterever the hell elites wear..) of the covenant defenders desperately attempting to repel this flood. The ship was unable to retract its ship to surface gravlift, so the infected will surely come in knocking on the front door. Trick to the grav lift is to be 75% gravity and just simply step into it (no need for anything directional, it will take you all the way up) Classic battlecruiser fins One of Flood's leaping spawns (very cenematic) Well guy's this is not an OLN map, and it is outdated by my standards. Still our crew has a blast everytime we play it. Just make sure the infected gravity is 75% and the defender is 100 or higher. Sanbox/Mythic Map link: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy!
It looks well made but just a little sloppy. Overall i love the map, and as for the game type, it could easily replace that shitty "left 4 dead" game type for all of those "left 4 dead" maps (including mine). (^_^)=b
Doesn't look too bad, but what happens if a Zombie falls off of a jumping point, or the ship? Can he get back up?
The map is a bit sloppy but your map is pretty awesome just from the first picture. When your the covenant what weapons do you have to repel the flood and what weapons do the flood have? Also if your making a second version of this clean the whole ship up and merg most or all pieces to make it look nice and clean.
Agreed, the map basic idea an layout seems pretty creative but the map itself has some parts of slobbish lookings, most likely because of the lack of merging in some areas.
If you read the post, there is a gravity lift jump in the middle of the map that, if the zombies have 75% gravity, will fly up to the ship and go into a hole and then boom, they are in the ship!
IMO the map is ok as it is. I dont think you need to interlock EVERYTHING as almost everybody is telling you, but if you might make a v2 try to make it neater; straighten some walls, and make sure the floor is bumpless. Also, i think he meant what happens when HUMANS fall of the ship
No he didn't, that is why he said "what happens if a Zombie falls of the ship", because only a really stupid human (or covenant dude, watvr) would fall of the ship, and by the time that human found a way back on (if there was one), then that human would most likely be infected.
Oh i know it's bumpy it was an OLD map, i didn't even ghost merge yet at that point. But from what i hear it's such a unique gameplay/map, that i decided to put it up in the thread. -If the infected player was to fall off the ship, they could easily get back up via the centeral gravlift. -If a defender was to play hero,...well the custom powerup (tank forms) would make VERY quick work of them. -Covy weapons: needler/plasma pistol. 6 carbines, 8 plasma rifles, 2 plasma turrets, and 2 beam rifles (very risky to get) Sword/AC (stealth elite), and an Overshield/fuel rod (hunter) -flood: AR/shotgun think of it as marine flood vs a covenant cruiser. This is a preview of my latest project and the battlecruiser which will be a covenant deployment point to take down a UNSC mountain base/power reactor (still in the shipyard)
this map would be great if everyone stayed on the ship. most people get the most joy in life by escaping maps on halo lol so a lot of people would just jump off and defend out in the open so it probably would have been better off in the skybox but its cool anyway
you really have not played this map with the Flood game type have you? Only the 75% gravity infected can pick up the powerup on the ground. This will render them faster and stronger while not letting up though the gravlift. This is a direct counter for any heros making them chump zombie for next round. Lol heros don't make it long on my maps, its all about teamwork. plus this map was specifically made for a ship-to-surface gravlift. Can't pull that off in the same effect in the skybox. besides i've made way too many covy ships up there. this was a time to go to the surface