People only want the helmet because no-one else has it. Once everyone has it no-one will want it. The people who got the amour by doing something cool who are genuinely angry about losing exclusivity need to grow up, the helmet should remind them of what they did, they aren't going to forget why it was unlocked for them just because everyone else has the chance to use it. To people with recon armour who don't want everyone else to have it: Don't be elitist/ greedy. (Unlocking the vidmaster achievements may be harder than what you did, they may deserve it MORE, so shut your pie-hole) To people without recon armour who want recon armour: Now you have a chance to get it. With some skill you can unlock it. You are still a tool for wanting it, however. To people who were sure they would get Recon armour before ODST came out, but upon the news that recon armour would be unlockable for everyone decided that they no longer wanted recon armour: I don't even know what egg-head manual I have covers that. And yes, in Australia "armor" is spelt "armour".
They did. Its called vidmaster: annual. Took 2+ hours the first time I went through, then I had to drive the ghost for my n00b friend when HE did it...ugh. I EARNED that achievement.
yah, but thats just a stupid achievement. i think it should make you kill every single flood except the infection forms on one of the levels.
they didn't, it's called not killing 10,000 grunts... did you read that part? woop-dee-doo, so you have to do the last level with ghosts, it should be easier... something really hard would have been way better, like destroying a phantom via the scarab shooting or destroying a wraith with the scarab.
how would you use a scarab to destroy anything? itd be hard as hell to get high up enough to it to accidentally hit the phantom. unless you've done it, id say its nigh impossible.
Noobs want it because theyndont have it. It's the way people work. I don't have a ps3 I want one but if I get one, I probably won't use it. It's just a hype. Like the katana and security. Sigh.
Recon is just a piece of armor. I really don't know why so many people obsess about it. "Yet the day Recon becomes unlockable, is the day Halo 3 dies." - BunN eeE I just felt like saying that, though it would sound kewl. And Matty speaks the truth...
haters? Does it effect you in anyway if an armor permutation is made unlockable or not?!?!? SO WHAT!!! If you don't want it... don't unlock it... and if you do ACCIDENTALLY... don't USE it.
I believe that recon shouldn't be unlockable just for the fact that its a reward. I think bungie was smart when they made that list of ppl that aren't going to get recon. I see it as bungie giving in, and I don't like that.