Map Title: Recon Helmet Map Dedicated to all the honest, hardworking gamers who have made attempts for Recon... Download the Recon Helmet Map Description: Downloadable Recon? Really? No, not quite... Basically, this is Foundry with a Giant Recon Head floating in the middle. I left the rest of this map blank because I wanted to see people edit it themselves, make a map with Recon as the Center of it, maybe Territories, or CTF, or Assault. Whatever you like. Please comment where ever you can, either here, or, or both. Thanks -xkevlarproductions Wanna Help Me Pick My Next Helmets? Vote @ Here! Here's a Map that someone made from mine. If you got one, feel free to tell me and I'll post it up here with your name. Trigger's Recon v2 - a KotH Map where you have to stay the longest inside the Recon Helmet.
You ungrateful little son of a -Nah, I'm just kidding. Here's the Side View The back is kinda jagged but I already fixed it. Thanks for the feedback.
wow, nicely done. although, it appears your new to forgehub and unfamiliar with interlocking, I strongly advise that you check out forging 101 and learn the art of interlocking
Looks great. I like how it's floating and it looks like you spent some quality time into this map. Great job. On the side view it looks like that one of the fence walls isn't where it's supposed to be. Maybe I'm wrong. Well, that gap on the top between the two fence walls could be fixed. +1 cookie
Actually, I'm quite good with interlocking. The thing is, these screenshots are kinda old. The most jagged parts of the map were interlocked. I didn't bother posting newer screenshots, because they pretty much looked the same. And although it could do with more interlocking, it's alright like this, and I'm making version two, which is almost purely interlocked. Thanks for the tip, though.
Verry verrrrry realistic, it would be very cool if you did all the helmets. I would be your adoring fan if you did that!
It looks pretty good in the pictures, but not great. Please post newer pictures if you made it better, if the screenshots are worse than what it is you won't get as good feedback.
Well like I said before, they're not too different. The only difference is that the chin was merged in and the back of the head was merged in. So if I took a picture from the same distance away, it would look almost exactly the same.
me likey alot very nice attetion to detail and if he took another screenshot he need get rid of stuff about how many DLs the screenshot got
Really nice helmet, good sir. I'd love to see more helmtets, or here's another challenge, one of the elite helmets!
its like a god. All the little spartens can pray to it to try and get the helmet of three dreams! lol!