Ok, so this screenshot came from the same game as my fire recon pic. This one is a little bit more subtle than fire recon. This screenshot uses more of nice lighting and postion than explosions. I really like the white cirlces in the picture. EDIT: I'm thinking about posting my gallery here. tell me if you think i should. Also here is another recon pic i've taken. Fire recon I would really like a bump in that thread. Well, thanks everyone Tell me what you think DOWNLOAD
I think this actually looks better than the Fire Recon one, not sure why, but it just appeals to me more. 5/5
wow i like that pic it reminded me of my own work and i also like the white circles EDIT: o yea 10/10
i dont see why everyone wants recon like its not that great and ill bet once you get it a hacker will take it from you anyway the screen shot is actually really coo especially with that kind of effect in the background
Dude you pretty much said everything i was going to see in your post! But i love how cool the armor looks and the light and white circles are good .. And the sniper is a very nice touch =] I like screenshots with snipers like this!
Looks really cool 5/5, but looks did you play with someone with recon or is he your friend, because is sounds like you played with him in matchmaking
Everytime I go into the Halo Screenshots sections I always get amazed by what I see, since all of the pictures I take never come out near as well as some other peoples pictures. I really like the position of the Sparton and the explosions in the picture as well as the white circles. But one thing is that I don't get how it's staged, since it mostly looks like you took the picture at the perfect time and not staged it to happen. My finale verdict will be a 5/5 for the very nice explosion and for the angle at which the picture was taken. Nice job.
well, sorta. i have 3 people on my friends list that have recon. So, depending on if they are in the mood or not, i will have a chance to get some nice recon pics.
It's a great screenshot with good lighting etc, but we don't really need another Recon pic. It's a great screenshot though.
Thanks, but if the lighting and every thing is good, i don't think the armor should have a negative impact on the screenshot.
Damn beautiful! The image is just perfect, and is that black armor-infection? Usually I hate recon pictures because most of the time they suck but this one does not fit into that category. I think you can be the next predator of taking screens. Keep up the good work man! Oh, and 5/5
Every picture is better with Recon. Its simple, but well made. Good work on the colors and explosions. They have a nice dark feeling to them. The white spots look pretty cool too. EDIT: Most recon pics are just "cool" because of Recon, but this looks like you actually put some effort into this one.
Thanks man. I doubt i'll ever become the next predator. The black armor is because it was set up for pictures