Hummm... Tons of people spamming here. Maybe I should join teh partay. But, no, you don't get it just because it was featured on ForgeHub. Maybe if some bungie guy is spying over here (that would be me, keep a secret) and actually loves the map, they might just end up giving you Recon if they really think it's worth it. Look up Lintendo64.
Lintendo was bungie favorites before his map was featured here, I'm pretty sure of that. He got recon for being on bungie favorites for making the first not-dumb map on foundry. and here, take a look at this; ForgeHub Halo Forums - View Profile: Frankie oh, wait. He doesn't work for bungie anymore.
A bit off-topic, but since Dragoncoals mentioned it, I found this quote. I think this may have been the quote that made ForgeHub popular the way it is today:
I'm pretty sure that wasn't the first feature we got on bungie, but that had a part in what we are now.
Lol, I remember when Frankie posted a couple of times here. We were all like, " it actually him" and like a day later we were featured on But no, the only way to get recon is to do some super awesome cool thing or to message Sargeant Sarcasm 2-3 times a day on Xbox Live asking for it.