Hey, I heard a rumor that bungie was making their own armor, and is going to give out recon, when halo: odst comes out. Is this true??? I have no idea. Please share your thoughts.
Read this And I don't think Bungie are making a new armour variant for themselves. People are just assuming they are.
Bungie is not making any new armor. When ODST comes out and u get the Vidmaster achievements that come along with ODST you will be able to get recon. The only thing that will seperate a normal Halo gamer from a Bungie employee is fire perched on top of a bungie employee's head.
Well you do get recon from the vidmasters so i would think so. Recon wouldnt be all that special anymore.. Bungie must be making some other even cooler armor in my opinion. -King
Nah, They won't make a new armour, they just won't ever give out the flaming chest. So thats what will distinguish them from others.
Assassin, perhaps? It has to be downloadable, though, or else modders would have already discovered it. Pic of armor: Spoiler
That's either a very impressive fake or proof that Bungie adhere to teen stereotypes. 'Look, let's put pointy bits on the shoulders' Anyways, they can't MAKE armour for themselves (they said so in an update), but they could release armour that has been hidden for 3 years (like armour above, if it's real, which I doubt)
That armor looks horrible. The only body piece that looks good is the body, and maybe the head. But the shoulders are horrible.