You want an educated opinion? You got it. I think that Recon is a waste of time and causes nothing but constant spam emails sent by 8 year old boys saying "i can haz r3c0n plzzzzz" in the Bungie Email Inbox leaving all the constructive, educated suggestions to be ignored. Whenever i look at the Bungie forums theres always at least one post begging for recon, The painting made by frankie made a while back for charity sold for 6000 dollars. Whoever bought it got recon, Aside from the painting generally being good the main reason why someone probably bought it was probably for the recon. Recon = More Trouble than 6000 Dollars worth. Pros Made Bungie's selected Charity 600 Bucks. Seperates the recon Owners from the Non-Recon Owners? Cons Spams Bungie Inboxes Recon Owners are Barraged with PMs by the Non-Recon Owners. Spams Bungie Forums Forces Players to change usernames.
what are you even saying i would love recon just so i can brag and say "hah! you don't ahve it and i do!!" plus it looks sick...
OMG WHAT HAVE I STARTED!!!!!:cry:mg::cry:mg: and why does it belong in the off topic it is about halo.