Recoil Made By Mis7er Chief Description- Recoil is a small map made for all gametypes except infection. Instead of the open part of foundry I used the other half. I was inspired to make this because of Remedy. It's made for all games but wworks best with 4-6 players so you don't need a big party to play. Weapons- 1 Spartan Lazer 1 Sniper 1 Shotgun 3 Smgs 7 BRs 3 Spikers 1 mauler 12 Spike grenades 1 regenerator 1 bubble shield 1 power drainer Gametypes- All competitive gametypes are supported except infection Layout- This map was made on the other half of foundry and i makes a B shape Pictures (Base 1) Has two BRs & an SMG The Hallway (Base 1 side) Main Room (Shotgun Is in little hut) Sniper Spawn and part view of the other room (smexy geomerged bridge) View 2 of room 1 and main Hill spawn Base B Splazer In Open Box Hallway Base B side Double Teamed On Crazy King! KOTH ACTION on main Hill Another View of Hallway Base B side TIPS- -the spartan lazer works great in the hallway even on Invisible People -USE SPIKE GRENADES -The Invisibility is kinda like the one on warlock so get it then try to get the shotgun -Get grenades and the invisiblity and throw though the windo where the AC spawns-A well thrown grenade defeats any weapon combo! Download Recoil Enjoy
its a smaller map like you said but why so many weapons on a` comp map? anyway you used interlocking but i see no merging and there could be many nades lost. 3/5 and for v2 i would geomerge more
Lol? I saw plenty of geomerging on this map. Very good interlocking, it's all nice and clean and looks fun with smaller partys. Nice work.
Really, aside from the weapon overload (consider getting rid of a few sets of spike grenades, 12 on a map of this side is quite a lot), I think you should work on the layout. It's almost conquest-ish when you look at the hallway as the only way from one end to the other. I love your idea, but you should go to your boundary wall, and rap it around the petruding wall as an additional corridor (opposite side of hallway). You could even add a teleporter and I think it would work fairly well on this map. Overall, it's worth the download, and good job on the map. Whoever said you didn't merge anything is a total idiot lol (not that it truly matters).
Thanks and for all those crying about the weapon layout I want you to know It's very Balanced even with power weapons if you have a good 3v3 game they are spread out. I will fix the weapon spawn times though and the shotgun only has 6 shots (or 1 clip) v1.2 will Be better.
For such a small map, this has too many weapons. Maybe get rid of the shotgun since you have a mauler too and get rid of the sniper cuz I don't really see the point of it on this map. Also get rid of a few spike grenades cuz 12?!?!?. I made a map about the same size as this and I put 5 stickies on it and that still might be too many. The map itself looks very well forged. You have some good interlocking and geomerging. I would suggest geomerging the 4 double boxes in the 3rd picture so that they're the same height as the fence thingy that's part of the map geometry. It would make gameply flow better. It looks good, but I won't download cuz it's got some flaws. Looking forward to v2
thanks for being honest in v1.2 their will be no shotgun moved splazer and something connecting the two rooms. I like the sniper because the halway is where most of the action is so its splazer vs sniper
Thanks V1.2 will have no lazer and a longer spawn time on the AC, sniper and shotgun. Ill clean up places that the inter locking is messy.
nice map. i like the variations of weapons on here and the layout. not a big fan of KOTH though. think you could make a slayer map?
*is jealous of your geomerging skills* honestly though do you mind sharing how you did those? Awesome map just by judging the pictures. I'm not sure about the gameplay though so I'll give it a DL
Sure I learned most of my geo merge skills here on Forge Hub. Some things i use for a clean merge Teles Man Cannons Once I merge something 2 or three times I delete the man cannon and start Using a save and quit method. The Bridge was very hard to mergeI had to put some thing to support it in the map so it would be even. Im still working on mergeing things with the Back hallway like the fence box on remedy.