RECOIL v1.2 BY Mis7er Chief Description- Recoil is a small map made with the other half of foundry.Works with most gametypes (IM still tweaking CTF & Assult Infection will never be a gametype) The Original Wasn't perfect so the changes you'll see are Fixed Weapon Layout (Shotgun & Sniper are only Power weps New things more mergeing longer Power weapon spawn times. To see v1 go HERE Weapons 1 Shotgun (No clips 45 sec spawn) 1 Sniper (1clip 45 sec spawn) 3 SMGs 2 Spikers 7 BRs 1 Mauler 1 Bubble Shield 1 Regenerator 1 power drain 8 Spike grenades 1 Active Camo (45 second spawn) Pictures Both Pics Base A No Change Base B (No Splazer Moved Mauler) Hallway Base B side (Completely changed, New mauler spawn) Sniper Spawn Hallway Base A side Gotta Have Me a Mauler! MY HILL! If you'd Like to see more pics go to the Original Map Download Recoil v1.2 ENJOY
Reeally original, looks fun too, i like the idea that its not out in the middle of foundry. Maybe making it a bit bigger would be cool, but its still looks fun. Also i like the interlocking, and geomerging on such unimportant things. good job. 4/5. Will DL.
Thanks thats what my brother told me. Hes not a great forger but he said what makes a map really great Is things that are cool, yet not nescessary.
Not Original This map is just like the v2 version of my map I posted this morning, I only used the back half of Foundry. Anyways its kinda plain to me there doesn't look like to much stuff you can do the to sides are really plain and you should have opened up the side bases things to make the area bigger. Overall its not very good layed out.In Picture 5 On the one side where the bridge is merged into the box its in the same place a bridge is merged into a box on my side. 2.5/5 My map Tactica v2 : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
I made the original map before you came out with tactica v2 I didn't copy at all although Remedy and tactica inspired me to use the other half of foundry. And honestly this map has better asthetics than tactica
well that map is insanely well forged. i am truly impressed. how long did it take u to geomerge the fence box into the hallway man. that must have taken u like 2 hrs. i usualy have no patience for that. well done. 5/5
Well it took 2 hours to get the patience but no it took like an hour and I saved and quited like 60 times to get it right...