Hello Forge Hub. Today i present to you a BTB map called Reclaimer's Gulch. This map is based off of Forerunner Valley by Iflod101. I made this with the intent of entering Iflod101's Forge map contest on youtube and i gladly won a respectable third place out of almost 100 entries. Link for that video here: Halo Reach Forge Maps and Modes Episode 57, "Reclaimers Gulch" (3rd Place Contest) - YouTube Also in the video if they mention my channel as ReachForgeNetwork that is correct as i intent to rename my channel to Halo Forge Network at the point at which it reaches 2000 subs (currently at 1270 subs in about 6 months) This remake is a large symmetrical BTB map the occupies approximately the same area as hemorrhage. Weapons: DMRs: x16 Needle Rifles: x10 Plasma Pistols: x5 (trust me when you see the vehicles list you'll be glad they're there) Plasma Rifles: x2 Spikers: x2 Plasma Repeaters: x2 Sniper Rifles: x2 Rocket Launchers: x2 Plasma Launchers: x2 Shotguns: x2 Concussion Rifles: x2 Grenade Launchers: x2 Spartan Lasers: x1 (central Power weapon) Vehicles: Rocket Hog: x2 Falcon: x2 Warthog (default) : x2 Mongoose: x4 Ghost: x2 Revenant: x2 Banshee: x1 (Central vehicle) Youtube video: Byf's Maps - Episode 1 - YouTube The list of weapons seems excessive but they are well spread and all are there for a good reason. the large number of weapons is well complimented by a full 16 player lobby. Give some feedback and please tell me what you think. Also to all Forgehub moderators. I despise the system of posting pics so if you have a problem with me posting videos say so and don't just ban me for spamming. Its an unfair system and frankly your website just needs to be revised. If you do then you just lost another forger. congrats bro GG
Congratulations on your 3rd place! Definitely deserved to be ranked that high since your version of Forerunner Valley was very similar to the first one, yet refreshing, balanced and original. Also I know you're a skilled forger according to the videos on your own YouTube channel so it's good to see people can view your work on other channels as well because of the Contest results. I wanted to join the contest myself but I wasn't able to finish the map in time, so now I'm going to submit it for the regular map reviews on his channel. Hopefully you'll see that video someday in the nearby future! (But although it's a 'remake' of Mine of Lost Souls, it differs a lot from the original map.)
Besides a possible need for more infantry cover, this doesn't looke like a bad map, definitely deserving of more than 1 measly comment. The aesthetics are pretty good, but I think you could have put lss pieces into the bases and more into side structures that provide cover for infantry from those falcons and banshee. Little tip: If you want more attention for your map, you need to put an eye-catching thumbnail for the forums.