Reclaimer is a map forged on Sandtrap which takes the action inside the cave-like places. All exits are completly blocked off. Recommended gametype would be One-Flag. Made by Nicksternater. 6-10 players. Weapons: Battle Rife - 10x Shotgun - 1x Gravity Hammer - 1x Brute Shot - 1x Energy Sword - 1x Equipment: Oversheild - 1x Active Camo - 1x Regenirator - 1x Flare - 1x Bubble Sheild - 1x Trip Mine - 1x Download "Reclaimer"
cool ctf map not on foundry but whats up with that last pic of just a bunch of random crates lol good map though
Pomegranate, you are kind of starting to piss me off. I have seen you posting in so many threads in the past hour and just pretending like you know the map. And if you look at the last picture it says N.N. for NicksterNater /rant About the map. It was an interesting idea to do this inside of sandtrap's cave structure. I never thought of that. It seems like you have a lot of power weapons for this small space though. From my experience, energy sword in a small area is a big no no. Same with the grav hammer and shotty also. And it seems like you just littered Battle rifles around. Battle rifles aren't meant to be your all time companion, they are meant to be a medium power weapon that needs skill to be used well. As an alternative to the power weapons try something like a plasma rifle, which requires more skill than a shotgun or sword, but is still a great close quarters weapon. Also, put some ARs around in key points near the base for ammo as the players move. On that note, you should cut out some of your equipment. 6 pieces is just extreme. Cut it down to 2-3 I would say. I suggest cutting out the trip mine (because it is more of an antivehicular weapon), the bubble shield (because the regenerator is basically a more tactical bubble shield in my opinion), the active camo (just because the carrier probably has a waypoint already and it is more confusing than helpful for both teams), and possibly the flare, but you can keep that if you so desire. Otherwise, it looks like a nice map to play CTF on and an interesting addition to the pre-DLC collection of maps.