Crap, Crap, Decent with crap text, Really good. The first one looks like you vomited C4D's on a stock (or render), The second one just doesn't flow or look pretty, the third one is decent with some great smudging, but the text is eh. I really like the last one though, I just wish it was skinnier.
I agree with RST, I don't like the first 2. #3 is pretty good. The lighting is well done, the background effects/smudging look very unique, and I think that the text is ok. The one thing that I would say needs improvement is the color. Everything looks nice except for the little bits of pink, which clash a bit too much with the blue in my opinion. #4 is very well done. The c4ds are well chosen and well placed, and the flow of the sig is great in general. The text is well placed, though it might look better in a different font. All around, great work on this one.
yea same here. last one is best. others aren't great. i'm bad at getting this right but you should try better text