Recalcitrance Download Recalcitrance Recalcitrance Logo: Map Haiku: Learn the many paths High-ground control: essential Kick some ass, my friends Map Overview: Recalcitrance is a sort of spiritual successor to Kentucky Tango and Elation, two of my better-received older objective maps. It features what I hope are a number of innovative items, from a 'spidery' layout, to interesting vehicle spawns, to novel territory placement. There's not much to say about the map that can't be said better with pictures, so scroll down for some gems. My main suggestion is to learn the map. It has a relatively low learning curve compared to some of my other maps *cough* Heat Sink *cough*, but it's still modestly complex. Oh, and make sure you use those grav-lifts on the raised fence-walls near the back of the map. They'll help a lot in objective games. Suggested Gametypes: 1-Bomb - 8-12 players - it's a little difficult to plant the bomb, but man does it feel good when you finally make it. Landgrab - 6-10 players - Make sure you know your strategy before the game starts, there's a lot of ways to get to the 7 territories. 1-Flag - 8-12 players - Try to be tricky when you're scaling the base or you'll be gunned down with ease. Team KotH - 6-10 players - Know your escape routes in case you come under heavy fire. 2v2v2v2 Mongoose/Snipers - 4 or 6 or 8 players - Just have each team grab a goose, put on sniper spawns, and start blasting. Fun for the whole family. Quick Maps: Floor One Floor Two Features: I've probably spent more time on this map than any other to date. I feel like it takes the best aspects of Kentucky Tango and Elation, some of my old favorites, and combines them for a great game experience. Here're some of the things I like about the map: -The Short-Port: The two teleporters near the attacker's base serve as a tactical pathway from side-to-side. Land grab makes good (I think) use of this little feature. -Territory Separation: In Land Grab, the two teams are separated at their spawns by carefully placed territories. You can only capture one from either side, and they effectively block the back passageway. -Tactical Jumps and Grav-Lift Usage: They're Important. Even more important than on High Ground. -Sexy Geomerging: This is the first map where I've taken is seriously. You shouldn't lose too many grenades here. -Lines-Of-Sight Variation: I this the map offers a little bit of everything. You can feel like you're in a shooting gallery if you make a bad move on the ground floor, while the height variations in the base itself lend themselves to interesting firefights. Screenshots: A corner of the map This is near the back of the map (from the attackers' spawns). It's a nice little place to hide and catch your breath or grab a mauler and mongoose and start rollin'. Fancy Box Merge These boxes near the attackers base each house a sniper rifle for use by the attackers. You'll need them. And also the cover. Chokepoint This is one of the main structure's 'arms' They're the sneakiest way into the base, if you've got a grav-lift. Bomb Plant Room This is where the defenders spawn and where the bomb plant point is (along with a KotH hill and a Territory if you're playing landgrab, which I recommend). Be sure to watch all the doors. The Pool This is a pool which sits in the middle of the "back room" in the defensive base. It has 2 shafts leading downward to the ground floor... another sneaky way into the base. But be careful when bringing the bomb up this way, it's got a habit of rolling. The Tunnel This is one of those tunnels I just spoke of. Kind of a death-trap if too many people get involved. Invis Spawn This is the invisibility spawn. You can also see the hammer spawn in the distance (the open box). As you can see, the bottom level is pretty open, but if you're crafty enough, you probably won't get killed. Final Words: Well, hopefully this won't be my last map. It's too much fun makin' 'em. Thanks to the countless testers and to anyone who let me bounce ideas off them. I 'preciates it. Download Recalcitrance
I tested this a long time ago. A LONG TIME AGO. I thought it just died off or something because I never saw it posted again. But now, to see this map, after all this time. This map is so amazing, so fun, so epic that it has stuck in my mind for months. This is one of the best maps that has ever been Forged. I do not jest. This map will change the way you look at Halo 3 forever. (K, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. But if you don't play this, you are missing out) Thank you, Rick, for posting this. Queued up for its permanent spot.
Wow Cosmic!!! Yet another Great map coming from a master. The couple of test games I played with you were amazing no matter how long ago it happened. There is actually nothing I can suggest for this map anymore. 5/5 Feature nao!
Was this the game I received a bunch of invites to? Apologies, for I was off doing whatever it may have been, mabie we can get a game tomorrow?! Anyways the map looks incredible from the pics, as I should be sleeping I can't DL now, but I'll make sure to get game or two... or three soon enough. The structure looks incredible and seems to flow flawlessly, I'll have to wait and see for myself sir, great post.
Cosmic Rick, I've got to give it to you. The gameplay on this map is incredible. One major point I noticed during the early testing of this map was the weapon layout. The BR placement was fantastic and I never felt as if I had to try to find a weapon. The interlocking and geomerging is perfect, and the shield doors in the Pool are excellent and created many dumbfounded stare-downs when the bomb carrier tried to sneak the bomb up the tunnels and meets the entire other team above the pool. Great job Cosmic Rick, you may have your... sixth? Feature heading your way.
Simply. Epic. Win. Great job, will download now, come back with some more info on gameplay, etc etc. <3 good sir, <3.
Hey i got to say.This map is epic.This map is realy perfect in bomb.The part the i like and when i played on it i was camping at is the ramps on the garage doors on foundry.The pool is really cool and the only thing is you can camp in there with mauler.But besides that the interlocking and geomerging is perfect.Keep it up Cosmic Rick -oO SLiK Oo
Ooh! I remember testing this a long time ago with a couple of firends and you. I always put the tripmine ontop of the flag and waited with a BR for an easy headshot after the tripmine blew. I would rate this a 9/10(from when I played) because of the ways uptop would be camped sometimes by 1 or 2 people and you would get beat down really fast. Definatly a good map to play definatly though. If you are looking for a good map to play with your friends then this is a good map. Use the vehicles if you wanna win BTW.
C-c-c-Cosmic Rick! I will download this. I will play it. I will see how well it plays. I will post my review here. Until then, my response is, THE ASTRONAUT IS NOT DEAD. OT, it's high time we revive that Poetry Corner thread.
At long (loooooooooong) last Recal is here! Pretty dope map Cosmic, very enjoyable. I hadn't really thought of the KTmeetsEL aspect, but it definitely is true. Great job on constructing another great, elaborate base. Many entry points and interesting geometry keep games fresh and players on their toes. I really dig the angled corner walls atop the D base, and the short-port. Excellent work. Land Grab is awesome here, a great flow complemented by prime territory placement. And definitely one of the best One-Bomb maps to date in my personal opinion. Not too many maps shine in bomb instead of flag (not that flag is too shabby at all, its quite enjoyable actually), which makes this a real jewel. Yeh I said it...jewel. Anyway, great work, as usual, Cosmic.
Damn, I remember a few playtest. It went smoothly and I must say, the Grav Lift is the most useful piece of equipment on the map. Many passages and scenarios that makes for not the same old killing people the same way all the time. Although me and Insane did discover that grenade jump from top of attackers base that lead into the top defenders base that made the flag accessible in seconds. Hope you fixed that. Other than that small bump, I beleive this map to be feature worthy. (Obviously)
I will download this map and test it out, along with looking at the basic structure and the overall design. Expect to have a lengthy review about it by the end of the week.
Looks to me like one of the best one-flag maps I'll ever play, but I'll download and play before I determine that. I really like the upper story of the map, especially the bomb plant area (I see why you used that spot for so many different objective points). However, are you sure you can't put any cover on ground level? Maybe like some barriers or dumpsters or something. Anyway, great work, as usual. 5/5 from the pictures alone.
Ha, I remember Insane going on the top of the box, shouting 'It's time for barrel rolls lololololol', and grenade jumping in, only to be killed a few seconds later
You jerks! Always breaking my babies. Lol. Anyway, yes that break has been fixed. And then the break that fixing that break caused has been fixed. And also one other break where you could hide in an open box near the top of the map. All fixed, lol. Anyway, thanks for the support, guys. I'm glad you all seem to like it as much as I do. It was a fun build... that's probably why I spent 2.5 months on the thing. Oh, and on a side note: If anybody plays on this map and gets any awesome screenshots, please post them here and I'll add them to the OP (with creditz). I went a little light on the SC's this time around.
The masterpiece is posted!! This map is amazing, by far the best objective gameplay I've ever had. Hey, what do you think my K/D is on this map? That +2 on the last game brought it way down. =P Anyways, flawless map Rick.
It was a fun playing this last night with you cosmic. All I remember is me smashing the flagg carrier right as he picked up the flagg with a ghost. lol The top of the map was very well done in how you put all the tunnel systems together. I liked it and Im looking forward to the other map we played and tested before this one. good work I'll see you online sometime.
wow epic map. Looks like a very fun objective gamed map. I downloaded it this morning and I didnt get a chance to play on it. So I played it eairlier today, and it was awsome. The way the map flowed and had such creativity. (lol and the fact that my team won) made it better. We played ctf. There were so many ways to guard and attack the flag, the map was intense an had a lot of great figures. I thought it was one of the best objective maps I've seen in a while
holy crap, i didnt think you had the geomerging skills in you, and yet, you still decide to build up as much as out. just like everyone else has said, nice map. friday is looking to be an awsome onslaught of good map dls. cant wait to get a good look at this baby. awsome job rick....again.....
I cant wait until I get home to download this. Your maps are always awesome and I'm sure this one is awesomer. I like the idea that it can be played with different gametypes, but i don't like how Slayer or Team slayer is not recommended. Does that mean it's not good for slayer games or is it supposed to be an objective map? Eitherway i'll check this map out and update later. I don't think i'll be able to get a full game going so i'll rate on stuff that doesn't relate to gameplay.