Rebirth Rebirth is a medium sized map for slayer and ctf. The map has four big rooms, 2 bases on opposite corners (symmetrical), a lower covered room, and a room with a hill rising up from the corner. I made this a while back so its not my best creation. AR x 2 BR x 4 SHOTGUN x 2 SNIPER RIFLE x 2 SMG x 4 PLASMA PISTOL x 2 NEEDLER x 2 BRUTE SHOT x 2 ROCKET LAUNCHER x 1 CARBINE x 2 BUBBLE x 2 POWER DRAIN x 2 DEPLOYABLE COVER x 2 OVERSHEILD x 1 CAMOFLAUGE x 1 PLASMA GRENADE x 8 overview red base overview 2 blue base front of base front of base 2 left of base shield door entrance (backside of right side of base) gateway (left of base) lower covered room room with hill overshield spawn camo spawn : Halo 3 File Details video : Halo 3 File Details download
This map looks awesome! The layout is really good and there is plenty of cover throughout. The aesthetics look good as well, the tower with the light on it looks great and the archways made out of tube corners look really effective. Looking good, I'll download! You might want to change the text colour, people viewing in old school might find it hard to read.
I agree with the hobo, the map has everything needed for an awesome map, i especially like the way it is divided into 4 sections, very original. It looks really well made and very aesthetic. Well done dude 5/5.
Look's very nicely done and well forged. I absolutly love that center and splitting the map into 4 sections is a cool idea aswell. overall very nice job and i look forward to trying it.
well this looks cool and fun to play. the only part i dont like about it is the golf hole with the wooden bridge on top. that look terrible. maybe fix that and ill download