REBIRTH Infused with great power, this place of unknown ancient ceremony now holds perhaps just as bloody of a puropse. 4 -12 players. This map is set up for all traditional game variants no custom settings required but that can like any map be used if you choose to create them. This map was in development for over about a years time and is finally seeing the light of day. It is a larger modified version of my previous map Horizon. Both of which are mirrored maps. Feel free to stop by and look at that map as well. Let me know what you think feel free to share and enjoy. Sorry for the lack of photos most of my screenshots and video have been lost during a hard drive loss. Trust me its worth the download. DOWNLOAD REBIRTH Special thanks to oODadeOo my build assistant.
Why did you post the map 2 times? Anyway, the map looks very breakable, looks like people will be able to easily break out using Grenade Jumps and Partner Jumps. I also recommend that you merge most of the objects you used because it makes the map so much more appealing an sometimes, can make gameplay alot better.
It is not breakable I spent about a year insuring it isn't besides there is no motivation to leave the map because there is no way to reenter no spawn points or anything outside of it. Perhaps before you insult peoples maps you actually download it and know what you are talking about. As for merging objects it is intended to not be merged things that I wanted merged for appearance or use are merged. As far as double posting it was posted twice in error I deleted the text and requested it to be deleted in full. --- Anyone with comments that are thought out and not so quick to draw conclusions without even downloading the map feel free to do so. The above individual is apparently just trying to increase is post count. Comment was posted within 1 minute of post no way they could have viewed anything.
This is thought out using the pictures you provided..... Now, from the 2nd pic, I can see how you can break it. Go to the lower part of the wall and partner jump, and use nade jumping to get to the top of the wall. If you have a sniper rifle, BR or something good at long range, you could easily get some easy kills from up there.
i Downloaded it. played it. I'm sorry but i didnt like was boring. the parts that were merged were done very well. i think the grav lift placement needs to be rethought and a map this size should have vehicles. And yes it is possible to get out.. i just did it. in multiple different spots. from on top of the fin to the Wall T. and on the ramp that leads up to the upper part of the bases. (on the upside. i really like what you did with the scenery around the kill ball) . smiley face. I think the map would be tons better if you made it more like this. all it does is make it closer and gets rid of the large openness you had with those huge bases. The fins are actually a very cool scenery idea. so i think you should leave in 4 on each side, if you change it. either way, im using your walls and stuff as a canvas for a map =P you placed the walls so well that i wanna use them for my own map.
just by looking at this i could tell you I'd have no problem getting out of the map even WITHOUT a grenade jump. It is very breakable. With your design it looks like it wouldn't be an easy fix either
You have to actually play the map to understand the scale of the walls. It is possible to get out however it is not easy. Then once you get out there is no motivation to be out. on the map there is no sniper rifle. there are only 2 rockets so sitting on the wall would be of little use. if you completely exit you will be suck out of the map because there is no way to get back in except to kill yourself. With the different jumping ability with the flag you cant get it outside and you cant hand it thru ether I have tried. Most of Bungie's maps are breakable the point is is it practical to break the map. is there a strategic advantage and the answer is no. I have thought about making another version but still need to think on ideas to change it. --- thanks for the constructive criticism as I stated previously the map is not easily breakable, and with the weapons on the map there is no strong motivation to do so.