This was a previous design I created that I had to fix and in the process added a little too. It is inspired by quake style map layouts. There are six towers set up in symmetrical formation, and there are levels below the towers all connected. You can run and jump around the whole map but it is open so be a little careful to not jump off. The spots where this was happening the most have been improved with low grav volumes and a small platform that is easy to land on even when not looking. In the center of each level of the map is a teleport. All are linked to alpha so the first to enter is teleported to a random level. Through gameplay I have found if a player directly follows another into the teleport they will go to the same level. I have a vid clip in my file share labeled reapervd. Quick glimpse of the gameplay. I also have screenshots there as well. I need to take video for the thread however, and I need someone with a capture card. So if people would like to do some test runs of the map with me. Just add me on xbox live and we can play. It is a free for all 8-10 player map, it is also good for 4v4 and 2v2. If there are any improvements you think I should make during play let me know. I will be on today and most nights.
Random teleporters could be an issue if you're going for quake-style competitive.. you could be sent to a safe or adjacent area completely randomly... It might also cause issues involving camping teleporters.
8-12 players on a small free for all based map. It's hard to camp anywhere. I will change the teleports to be based on game type to prevent what you are talking about. I don't want that to happen. On free for all though I am going to leave it unless alot of people hate it. It is pretty fun, and it can be a slight advantage and disadvantage to everyone playing. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I promise it is a hella fun map. If we get 10 people it will be awesome. [br][/br]Edited by merge: The Map on my file share still needs to be updated a little more, but it is still fun. New map has teleport fixes, ordinance drops, and will be compatible with my quake variant. I don't make anything modded. The Quake variant uses same jump levels, 125% speed, and uses specific weapons on compatible maps and has different starting weapons. Also the screenshots I have of gameplay are of the first initial design. The new map will look smoother, play better, and still be as much fun as we were having when I took them. New map will be up soon. I'll update when it's finished.