Real CNR ! ? !

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by smackdown6789, Oct 19, 2008.


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  1. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Real CNR ! ? !
    Created by x MuG x Sh07 x

    Supported Gametypes:
    Custom Game Variant

    Map Description
    This is a new kind of layout for the Cops n Robbers levels. The first difference is that its not on Foundry. The second difference is that it was'nt as easy as making a level on Foundry (seriously). There are weapons, equipment, objects, bases, and vehicles. The point of the game is to listen and do whatever the cop tells you to do. If you don't listen, then he has the right to kill you. Your also wanna try to get out of the jail. To do this your gonna need the key aka the grav lift. It is located in the back of the barrel in the cafeteria, (spawns in 45 seconds). There are also distractions aka equipment that will help you succeed out of prison. Theres a flare spawned in the back of the of the shield door in the showers. There is also a radar jammar on the toilet in the restroom. If your a zombie aka cop you will need to let the humans aka robbers out sooner or later unless your evil. If your a human then you'll probably go crazy if the zombie doesn't let you out. Thank you for reading. Enjoy the map!!!


    Jail Overview

    Human Spawn ( OMG Im claustrophobic!)

    Cop Spawn


    Opening the Wall

    Out of cell

    Cafeteria (Eat Your Cheese)

    Trashed Cafeteria

    The Grav Lift Spawn

    The Showers

    Flare Spawn Behind Shield Door

    Restroom (Radar Jammer In There)

    Door To Freedom


    Base With Camo

    Symmetrical on other base aka 2

    Sky Base

    Second Sky Base

    The Back active camo spawn


    Human Traits
    Ar and Br Weapon Start
    Infinte Ammo
    Weapon Pickup [on]
    100% Damage Resistance & Damage
    Normal Shields
    Forced Color Red
    100% Speed
    100% Gravity

    Zombie Traits
    Shotgun & Plasma Pistol Weapon Start
    Infinite Ammo
    Weapon Pickup [on]
    Grenade Regeneration
    Normal Shields
    Forced Color Blue
    100% Speed
    50% Gravity

    2 Zombie Start (change if you like)
    6 minute rounds
    10 rounds
    1 life per round
    Friendly Fire Off

    Honor Rules
    1.No killing for no reason if your a zombie
    2. Listen to the cop aka zombie
    3. Don't get the cop mad or else.......

    Download Real CNR! ? !
    Download CNR
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, but there is a problem. What if the cop doesn't open the jail cell door? Wouldn't the robbers be trapped in the cell for the round? But everything else looks good from the pictures, and I like the showers idea, are they geomerged into the roof? I'll give it a 4/5 because it has some problems, but good job for trying out Standoff and the hallways.
  3. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a very good map i like the cop having control over the zombies with the opening of the door very good idea!! i will download and get back to you.
  4. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    american physco. thats right. one time i was playing with like 12-14 people with one cop and the cop didn't know how to open it so we all went beserk. but its fun in there with a lot of people. BTW only 14 people could play
  5. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    The map is awesome except for the fact that the "Robbers" spawn already in jail. Not to mention cannot escape unless the cop chooses to be kind and let them out. Also the cop could just watch the escape-door which there is only one of, and not allow the robbers to go anywhere near it. Overall the idea is okay, and the aesthetics are pretty cool (Especially the showers, that's my favourite, it looks so awesome.) Great Job. 4/5 for Aesthetics, and 2/5 for gameplay. (Which makes a whopping 3/5.)
  6. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, thanx for your review i allow all of the criticism
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I guess you wouldn't be the one blocking the door, so you could just boot them if they were being retarded, so it's a very clever idea, great job.
  8. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanx again your criticism helps a lot
  9. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pretty nice map taht uses all aspects well, pre-escape and post-escape
    only question is weather or not it works with other cops and robber game types?
    cool spawn that probably maks it funnier for the cops
    and the trip mine, does it kill the humans, cuz if so, thas kinda cheap.
    good jop, finally not foundry...EXPAND
  10. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the trip doesn't kill humans actually. he juist did it to make them scared i guess

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