Reactor Core

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by JohnnyRadman, May 5, 2011.

  1. JohnnyRadman

    JohnnyRadman Forerunner

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    Greetings forum goers, this is my second submission. Much nicer looking than my first, might I add. Bit of back round on the map first: this is supposed to be a reactor powering a forerunner installation. Why does it have holes in the floor? Well, that is because the reaction mass melted out! That tends to happen when you leave reactors unattended for several eons. All that is left is the neutrino star in the middle. Why is the gravity of that thing not sucking everything in? Why is the gamma radiation not killing everything? Why are spartans fighting over the reactor core? These are all very good questions: none of which I will even attempt to answer! :D

    So, to business,
    The Map: the map is a semi-symetrical two leveled building, built in forge world. The two stories are not exact replicas of one another, apparently something happened some where and the alignment got screwed up. It's not terribly noticeable. Curse 45 degree angles for being so hard to align with 90 angles! Ahem. Both stories are connected by a center point, with 4 bridges on each story connected to that center point. That center point is the reactor core, and on the center platform is a blue glowing ball of light, surrounded by a soft kill zone. Coincidentally, that is also where the hill in KOTH is! I don't why that highly radioactive part is so contested, when there is plenty of non-lethally radioactive space available, but who am I to say? In all seriousness though, you don't have to stay in the soft kill zone. The capture zone extends out onto the bridges.

    DMR's, Snipers, Focus Rifles, Needle Rifles, Shotguns, have been strewn across the stage. Obviously, I intended for this to be a firefight, keep-your-head-down-shooting-at-eachother-from-around-the-corner type map. I also poorly hid some grenade launchers around the map, and I hid one spartan laser, but I'm not sure that's even possible to get to if you're not in forge. I'm sure one of you determined gentlemen will figure it out.

    To the images!


    The darkness, combined with the fact you all spawn very far apart, probably makes infectin a helluva lot scarier.

    It's hard to see the 4 ramps connecting, but they are there. Don't worry, it's much easier to see on the TV. Hopefully.

    Another shot of the core...


    And an above shot. In retrospect, I probably focused a bit too much on the core. It's a bit more difficult to get good shots of the interior. I could do it later, if anyone would like me to, and then I'd add them to this post. Just post a request in this thread, and I should have something up within a few hours of your posting. Sorry for any inconvinience.

    Aaaaaand then I realize I spelled "precision" wrong in my map tags. Derp. :p

    EDIT: Okay, I officially feel terrible now. I realized that, in my excitedness about finishing this map, I released it without testing my gametypes. Upon playing it, I found that people spawned far outside of the designated zone, at least in slayer. I have been unable to determine the cause. I am unsure of infection or KOTH spawning issues. I am sincerely sorry for my mistake: next time I need to not work late at night where I make stupid decisions. I should also probably seek some outside help to fix the spawning issue. Any offers would be sincerely appreciated. I am quite sorry, and I now feel like an idiot. That aside, any criticism of map design is whole heartedly welcome. I'd like to believe I did well on it, even if my spawning was poor.
    #1 JohnnyRadman, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 7, 2011

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