Alright guys this is BHW Dodgers and I am a new member here and this is my first map ever on forge hub. Even though this is my first map on forge hub I have been forging a while and have already learned a few forging tricks back in halo 3 forging. Now that I have completed my first map on Halo Reach I'm ready to show you guys it. Okay well basically Reactor Core is a small enclosed map for 1v1/2v2 slayer matches and it also has some really cool looks. When I tried out my map for both 1v1 and 2v2 it seemed to work out really well and we never had any problems with spawn killing. The game play on it also seemed overall pretty good. However, I'm always open to change so if you guys see any problems and want to give me some constructive criticism on how to better my map I will listen and try to fix the problems. Well anyways download the map and enjoy! Weapon list: DMR x2 Needle Rifle x2 Needlers x2 Plasma Grenades x2 Grenade Launcher x1
it looks as if the colors would distract someone like me (i get easily distracted). Anyways ill Dl and try to get some customs on it and ill reply later. Added after 2 Hours 39 minutes: Ok first off let me say after playing this that this map is a great map especially for 1v1 and i really like the the way it resembles Citadel from halo 3. Although, i have a few issues: NEEDELERS ARENT EVERYTHING, first get rid of most of the needelers, it says 2 nedelers but everywhere we looked there was a needeler, and these needelers have no spare clips, i suggest getting rid of most of them and the remainding ones need more ammo. DONT USE FLOATING WEAPONS, the floating grenade launcher and needle rifle on this map lead to annoying situations with the weapon not able to be picked up and floating in midair when dropped. i suggest not having them on fixed or phased mode. MORE VARIETY IS NEEDED, i understand where your coming from but seriously there needs to be more than just a grenade launcher on this map, when we played the game was quite boring and slow until the grenade launcher spawned, i would probably put maybe 2-4 more dmr's and where the floating needle rifle is located, put a shotgun. HEALTH PACKS, there needs to be a few (1-4) more health packs on the map, and the ones you do have lower them down. while i was playing i had to jump to collect the healthpacks. ASTHETICS ARE IMPORTANT, While on the map it is quite confusing to get around, you could fix this with simple land marks. All that considered, this is a great little map and if you make a V2 you will get a DL from me.
Firstly, thanks a whole lot for commenting on my map Okay now with the needeler problem, there are only 2 of them on the map, but i guess the spawn time on them are a little too fast. Should i just replace them with a different weapon or just extend the spawn time? Next, with the grenade launcher that is floating I had no idea that floating weapons do that so i will immediately fix that. For some more variety in my map, where do you think I could fit another power weapon into my map like a shotgun? Well anyways, I have started my version 2 of Reactor core and have added many more aesthetics to give it more of a reactor look and also lowered and added another health pack. Thanks a bunch for the help man, and I'll start fixing up my map asap.