Allow me to present my first Halo Reach map Reachway Reachway is a highway map, inspired by the highway segments from the previous halo installments. It is a U shaped map, with teleporters at each end of the track so you can go round and round and round If your playing team games, each base is situated at each bend in the U shaped track. This allows the teleporters to be used without easily jumping from base to base, while having 2 routes to each base. There are some underground tunnels at each base, this allows you to move along the track on foot with more concealment, a teleporter in the tunnels joins each base's tunnels together for a third route. After starting from scratch 3 times this was the final version of the highway map I was able to create, its fun working against the budget, item limit, and space all at the same time . I did my best to make the map symetrical. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
do you have any custom gametypes created for this (ie race)? Or are the standard versions good enough?
looks pretty cool just a question is it with all vehicles? (not very relivant i know but im interested)
it doesnt have any custom gametypes for it, and the vehicles included on the map are ghost, warthog, guass warthog, rocket warthog, scorpion, banshee and falcon