My understanding is that Halo 3 maps only included certain weapons in their coding, probably as a space-saving measure to ensure that map files weren't unnecessarily loaded down by excess code. Which makes sense: forging wasn't expected to take off the way it did, and so only the weapons a given map called for were really needed to be included. However, this means that if a weapon that wasn't in a map, like say the Plasma Rifle, was called on by a game-type for spawning, there'd be errors, or, more than likely, a crash. So, non-ubiquitous weapons were excluded from game-types to prevent such glitches. Now, since in Halo: CE all weapons were included in all map files, I'm not sure why Halo 3 was any different, but that seems the most pertinent reason. -=Moxus=-
They said in an ODST interview that weapons take up a ridiculous amount of strain on their codes and stuff, which is why they axed a few for ODST and also why Halo 3 maps only covered so many. I guess it's understandable but it would be good if we could choose before booting up the custom game / forge lobby which weapons from the bunch we were going to limit ourselves to?
Ideas: *Mixed Gametypes(Invasion) *Allow Certain or no Armor Abilities *Covy, Spartan, Mixed, or Invasion slayer(FFA or Team Invasion) *Plasma grenade starts *Switch default weapons with a certain set(like in Halo with Human, Alien, etc.) *Weapon start(Not just certain weapons like in Halo 3, but all) *Halo 3 style shield system, Halo 2 style shield system, Halo 1 shield system, Halo Reach shield system *More infected count in Infection(75 percent instead of limited at 50 percent) *Seperate custom powerup settings(specified by gametype or forger and/or seperate settings) *More ideas soon