I think your on to something. There is a race gametype, And the easyest way for bungie to do that is by forceing people to use vehicles with there Loadouts. The people can not leave them :O
Dibs on answering the question! uh, yes. Also, a version of stockpile where all the flags are in one room guarded by one team without a return point could make a fun cops and robbers 'steal the money' gametype. ... Dibs.
I haz conquesty idea, to which i haz dibs. liniar line (conquest) map which is stockpile. BUT the return spawn covers half the map (one on each side - small line of neutral for the flag to start) Then the aim is to push into the other team's side, moving the flag as much as possible, points scored once the timer goes - the aim would be to push as far back as possible to stop them from moving the flag into your side. Also a version where you need to drag the flag back into your side, tug of war style - meaning if you lose out at the start you need to work harder to stay in the game. (much like tug-of-war, perhaps the name of this gametype) just to clarify, tug of war be mine, the first part (move to opposition base - conquesty) was imparted to me by mongoose... so... should be good. This is the shame about losing dual wielding, conquest would take a knock, but... This could be good...
I have a feeling that invasion in forge will be extremely limited. You can't make much of a judgement from the BETA because every map is just default and has no movable/immovable items other than weapons and the little grenades that there are, but I have a distinct feeling that large limitations will be implemented on it. I also hope that in invasion slayer you will be able to place where you want items to spawn instead of them just spawning on the hills.
No worries mongoose, you do have dibz also, me saying i have dibs was more for the random hubbers you know? That wasnt me shutting you out, The other thread agrees with that last bit i wrote... Or where you joking? as you must have read that bit as well... or did you not read it as you saw the first bit, got angry and didnt finish reading? also, on the other thread I did say we had to co-lab on this...
Does anyone else expect the ability to set starting weapons to anything? as opposed to halo 3's no carbine or plasma rifle etc?
I had read on b.net somewhere that the reason some weapons were not able to be started with had something to do with the network code and lag. Being that they've improved that drastically I don't see why we wouldn't be able to start with all the weapons. (Hopes)
I can't even begin to list reach's customization potential. Okay maybe i can, here's some stuff that would be great to work with: armor abitities more customizable gametypes loadouts! limiting maps with the 'go back or we kill you' message callouts seriously, more customizable gametypes! i heard about nightvision somewhere better engine = more vehicles, room, players, forge objects, etc jetpacks, just saying etc
Hmm... I just realized how great an 'Unarmed' option would be for a weapon Loadout option. Your character could jog about, maybe fists up in a boxing position to protect his face, having no option but to either find a weapon or become a beatdown ninja. The combat knife would still be available for assassinations of course. Zombies would finally be able to attack with their zombie claws. It'd look awesome. There'd be a huge wave of crappy boxing gametypes... You know, typical custom games stuff. Assuming there's going to be weapon lowering, I'd imagine that this would be extensively useful for machinima as well. Yes, i know that there's already the sword and the hammer and the shotgun and the plasma pistol... but those are all useful now, and they all have range. In halo 3 the plasma pistol was generally the useless weapon you gave the losing team in one-sided gametypes for example. Now that the idea for Reach's Multiplayer is that every weapon has a use... well, you know. Endless minigames-esque. thoughts?
Escalation. Placing weapons that spawn at 30 second intervals but only after 2 minutes will be much better than just having the weapons spawn every two minutes or using complex gravlift contraptions.
It would be awesome to search for custom games by random people by choosing a playlist or have a list of custom game lobbies open and join any custom game you want, this would probably will be the best thing ever!
Please elaborate. I'm not sure that open lobbies would be the best thing ever. I think that a single playlist in matchmaking (or multiple based on tag generalization) that would allow players to find games open to said playlist would be more fitting. The tag system is already present in Reach, but was limited to several broad generalizations (I can't remember what they were ). Hopefully, you'll be able to coin your own tags and link your map to others through tags.
people would probably make fat kid games just to laugh at all of the people that join, I know I would...
Ah, you're right. I can imagine several workarounds, but deducting exactly what Bungie is working on is sometimes exhausting. Maybe a way to restart the search before the map is loaded, idk. Wow... I'm probably just lazy.