The Aliens and Stone Hinge Reaching Destiny YouTube - Halo Reach Racetrack: Reaching Destiny FAST FORWARD TO 1:34 TO SEE START OF THE RACETRACK This map made by FlotownHockey is an awesome masterpiece of a Halo Reach racetrack. This map consist of five alien ships, five human ships, six boats, and two loch ness monsters. While riding on this map, you will race on and through the elemnents of air, water, and ground. This map has a multitude of jumps, twists, and scenery. This map can hold as many as 14 people on it. The gametype for this map isn't quite as good as I expected it to be. But, comment and rate on any helpful ways to fix this. You can play with your own gametype for this map is you want or need to. You can also play this map with 6 teams and two people per team. This would make the race twice as fun and interesting. This is my first racetrack on Halo Reach. It took about two weeks to make due to the shortage of time I've had. Hopefully you all like and enjoy this. So, comment, download, and rate. Enjoy your time on Reaching Destiny. MORE PICTURES: Loch Ness Monster First Alien Ship Another side view of the map Side view of map Ok, I've got everything working now-the map has a few bumps that need to be fixed especially after the stone hinge area. Enjoy!