If you were expecting to open this thread up and find an OPtiiC xx QuIcK SkOPESS x ranting aobut how much better black ops is going to be than reach, even though its not even out yet, you're wrong. My brain's a bit problematic at the moment, im not sure whether to grab reach now cause its roughly 70 ausd on ebay, or wait for black ops because that's looking crazy fun aswell. Mind you, i'll probably, in time, end up having both of them but which one should I go for first? Basically, I do love making things in forge and using my creativity in games and sharing it to others is loads of fun, but black ops and its theater mode is really appealing to me at the moment. Thoughts?
Black ops isn't due until November 9, about a month away. Plenty of time to raise enough money for it while you're playing Reach.
Reach is probably going to be more long-term than Black-Ops, in terms of active players further down the road. I'd say go with whichever franchise you prefer (Halo or COD), then get the other one later. But yeah, Black Ops isn't even released yet, so if you to play something now then go with Halo.
ahh I can make enough money cause i only work sundays and I get rates then, but i just realised that the price of black ops won't come down for a few weeks like reach as due to the fact that its not even out yet. Is the new forgeworld worth it?
If you own mw2 black ops isn't worth it at all. It will he the same scenario as codwaw. People play it for two weeks and go back to mw. Reach will be around for years.
I beg to differ, Chrs. With all the player customization that Black Ops is showing and all the weapons, I believe that it will be the other way around. Besides, Black Ops has Spoiler Zombies, Dead Ops, Multiplayer, and Campaign. While these things W@W had too, but not nearly as up-to-date with weapons and such. Now onto your problem, I agree with Linu in saying to just get the one you prefer first. Otherwise, get Reach. I've already grown bored of it, but that's just me.
Either just buy Reach, or buy both. Buy Reach now, get Black Ops when it comes out. Oh my god, right? How did I get in your head? It's like I have magic powers or something.
Halo is just more long term and that's why you should get reach. Forgeworld is amazing and your abilities are limitless. With black ops, it's pretty much the same as MW2, excluding a few new ridiculous perks that only make the game way less fun. Sure there is customization, but have you compared that to Reach's customization? Reach wins hands down. Zombies? Reach has got firefight, which is far more customizable. Reach>Black Ops
Get Reach then black ops later if you really want. Black ops will die once the next cod comes out. Reach just like halo 3 is going to be atleast 3 years. It will lose some players at the launch of black ops but then Reach will come straight back.
You're excited about Black Ops's Theater mode? You do know where they got that idea from, right? Anyway, IMO, Reach is a better overall game than Black Ops will be. And this is a Halo forum, what do you think we'll choose?
It's so good they had to put it in their own game...but wager match too. They're two completely different games but I think I'm going to get reach, black ops later as i've got mw2 anyway to keep me cod-ertained. thanks for that dudes, if a mod/whatever could lock this that'd be cool. (Y)
I have to say even though we go for Halo we arnt overly bias ,as CoD is still a good game. But i reckon if you went to the Black ops forums and mentioned Reach in your thread they would flame you to death.
This person makes a huge TRUTHFUL point. In the end though, you'll probably get both (seeing as how you want both) so it doesn't matter as it stands for me.
got 100 Dollars with Black Ops Name all over it. Kinda sucks how the american dollar is down. I lost $2.30 when I redeemed my cheque from my uncle at the bank. 98 Dollars I guess.