Well TGIF #3 was a blast! I started around 6:00 (srry i was a little late guys ) And it went all the way to 12:00! We had 16 people pretty much the whole time and it pretty much never dropped below 12. We played tons of minigames, infection, invasion and a little race. Most fun I've had hosting in a long time! I may be able to get a recap video in here if someone in the party who had a CC decides to film it. Sorry if anyone couldn't get it, I tried to invite anyone who especially wanted but you can only have 16 There's always TGIF #4 guys! Also if any of the staff read this: I got several complaints from people saying that I was one of the only people hosting and that they couldn't find anyone else to join. Either way they still had fun, just curious as to what happened there. I may take some more pics later today. Here are the other two recap pics:
Yeah. I like the first shot the most. Perhaps Reach TGIFs could use a new banner. I think that would be a cool little thing, no?
Yeah top one is my fav too. One person isn't in that pic but I did my best. You guys should join my party next time.
I think i may have been the one guy who wasn't in the first pic, couldn't get on top of the T before everyone came down. Btw, I couldn't find the other hosts either. Maybe they forgot?
Yep, new banner is needed! Perhaps, during each TGIF, everyone could throw together a fun little screenshot like that which says TGIF and the best one could be used in the next TGIF thread (a banner that changes every time).