All of these are fantastic additions to Halo multiplayer, and I really look forward to seeing them. Some of this information I've yet to come across at all, thanks B3NW!
I appear to be wrong above. The weekly update states this "cR" thing has something to do with ranking. From what they have said, I personally think the new overall ranking system (outside of Arena) will be a mix of EXP and Skill Ratings. [Although I'm likely to be wrong again ] EDIT: Another thing I've spotted from the screenshots; in the above screenie, one of this person's friends is in Custom Games Lobby. Does this mean we will have custom games in BETA, or will it just be an alpha build thing?
The maps don't looks all tiny like the Halo 3 maps, more like Halo CE maps, and that is gonna be awesome. May 3rd seems so far away. Also, JETPACKS!!!
Jetpacks. Jetpacks. Jetpacks. Jetpacks. Jetpacks. <3 These features sound awesome. I'm really looking forward to Reach.