Reach MLG Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yeah, I remember that one. You remember this?

    I would hope so, considering you responded to it a couple posts later. Front page really ruins some threads. It's nice when there's a montage out or something that's supposed to get a lot of attention, or when the forge forum does a map pack (MP2 never hit front page sadly) but all other times it's just a thread killer.

    Anyway, back on topic. Reach MLG is cool, yo.
  2. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Hehe, I love arguing with Frag.

    MP2 DISCUSSION hit the front page though, and people thought we were talking about the Mythic 2 map pack. . .

    Mostly front page is just OT topics about inane things.

    Reach MLG will be cool, as long as KC doesn't listen to the majority of the community. . .
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This is not Halo 3. Nades are nukes, people can shoot without exposing themselves like crazy, and the maps, for the most part, kinda suck. I just haven't felt any breathing room in any of the maps. It's hardcore all the time and I hate that, but I shouldn't be faulting some of the maps for that. That's something I'll just have to get used. Out DMR'ing someone doesn't feel as good as out BR'ing someone. I'm just going on tangents though.

    I don't think MLG should use any equipment at all. The only one MLG might use is sprint, but I wouldn't like it for MLG play. It'll be abused in MM. Sprint makes maps really small. It ruins map control since players can escape through minor holes quickly and be across the map really fast. I think objective games are a pain with sprint, cause it gives defenders ample opportunities that they shouldn't have. If you lose map control and they take your flag and then kill you off spawn that it should be a cap, then you get the opportunity to counter cap. Sprint allows players to catch up to the objective very fast, especially since players can't flag run. It's really annoying when you've got map control, have the flag en route to your base, and the other team just sprints to your side of the map. I think spring will play havoc in MLG, especially without radar. What's to stop me from sprinting up to you and pummeling you?

    Alright, Reflection is definitely good. I think MLG should have rocks, sniper, and OS/Camo? on the map. As for placement, that kinda depends on spawns. Powerup should be in a semi concealed area, maybe down bottom on sword spawn. I could see rocks moving to the middle of the atrium or they could stay. MLG seems to like high spawns with snipes, so I guess they could stay. Maybe they could move it to back S3 lift so if you nade it, it drops off. Just a thought though. Start spawns on both bottom sides.

    Boardwalk is :( for slayer, might be good for objective since it has that spire sort of feel to it. One thing that really bugs me is the foliage at the top of the map. It already has the advantage of high ground, but it also provides camouflage. Basically if you're getting shot from up at top, which if you've got low spawns you always will be, it's very hard to see where the shots are coming from. That's my main gripe with the map.

    Countdown. I haven't had too much success with this map. So far the main strat seems to be maintain top control and if you don't roll in packs. I want to play this map without radar, I think it'll be really fun. It's also kinda difficult to play on without precise callouts. Been mostly, top lift, on my ex, etc...It has the most potential though. I think even more so than reflection. An Onslaught type flag game would be a lot of fun. I haven't looked into the forge items on this map, I will though when I get home. I think I'll make a gametype and map tonight. I think the map is too small and close quartered for an power items. Maybe just snipes and Camo.

    **** the cage.

    Powerhouse will probably be in the first cut, but it'll drop out eventually it's just not that good. It could just be my prejudice for wanting a map with points of control, like the pit.

    Swordbase is for noobs (I'm still a reach noob though)

    Asylum without sprint will be amazing, right now it's still a lot of fun. Especially with the sniper rifle.

    Pinnacle will have to go through adjustments, cause it's all about controlling the sniper. It's too open for any objective play. I don't like it too much. I don't think it transitioned well into reach.

    Zealot's an honest joke. It's fun though, but not too competitive for team play. Just roam around the map. You can't really be by yourself. There is an interesting strategy of you get the lead. Go up the lifts and camp the top. Pretty much a duck shoot for the opposite team. If it was in MLG, they'd have to block the lifts or introduce teleporters. Objective might help prevent that strat, but the only one I could see working on an arena styled map is Oddball, but you can just go up the lift with it. It shouldn't make the cut.

    I don't think I've left any out. Basically, I think Reflection, Countdown, and Asylum will become main staples in the MLG playlist. I dont' think there should be sprint with the added disadvantage of what layout to choose. I find myself having to pick between recon and bumper jumper. With recon, I gain long range functionality, but I lose CQB functions, like jump and melee. I'll try default again tonight.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Zealot is pretty fail after having played it. Even with the top cut off, the lines of sight on that map are horrid.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    My bet is that most of MLG this time around will be forged maps honestly. Most of the maps in Reach are crap once you get truly competitive and analyze them, and most people know that.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm really getting in to the DMR, I've started pacing my shots in to 2 shots at full RoF, little pause, then repeat. It's incredibly effective so far, especially at range, and has a quicker kill time than standard paced shots if I'm right. I tried it based on something Killa KC said about the first two shots being only minimally affected by bloom on the DMR, and it seems to be working out at most ranges.

    1st Bolded: As I said before, this will never and should never be a consideration when designing MLG gametypes. They are not made for the purposes of the playlists, they're made for MLG competition on the circuit and GB, the playlist serves as a chance to play said gametypes in MM once they have been decided. To be blunt, screw what happens in the playlist, it's not even close to worth sacrificing what the gametypes are actually for.

    2nd bolded: I can flag run just fine even with cooldown, it's still well worth it. Plus cooldown can be turned off in custom gametypes, which I'd assume it will be for MLG. I think sprint works fine, 2-flag Pro on Asylum is a great gametype as far as I'm concerned. Set ups still work since a good spawn trap isn't really destroyed by sprint alone imo, and I think other AA's like Jetpack and possible evade could work just as well, Hologram also has great potential as far as I'm concerned, worth trying out in the testing stages at the very least.

    3rd bolded: well for one the melee repeat rate has been nerfed since the beta, I don't see a problem with sprint/beatdown in any games so far really. And most of the MLG forums seem to agree that a 75% melee damage modifier would be for the best, helping to alleviate that concern even further.

    One thing Reach has cemented in my mind since I started playing and truly fell in love with it: I don't want to play Halo 3 for another 3 years, I want to play Reach, which to me definitely includes AA and even some more diverse weapon sets. I wonder whether we'll see the Sword in MLG, I'd personally love it since I've become a massive Sword/Snipes combo ***** (sprinting death ftw), but I can see them judging it a little too powerful when twinned with sprint. I dunno though, I reckon if people actually bothered parrying I'd have a lot harder time getting all the kills that I've been racking up with it :p.

    I love both Boardwalk and Countdown, Boardwalk more for a casual approach (in the sense that I wouldn't like to see it in MLG, but still absolutely love playing it in MM). Frankly, I just love the maps on this game, they've really captured the Halo magic with the whole setup tbh. Countdown is just badass, I disagree about top control or roaming in packs as the only option. Try just running around with a Sword/sprint and killing everything, I find it much more effective ;)

    Loved The Cage at first, now I really don't like playing it either. Get spawn trapped down at Sniper tower, fight up the various paths in a not-that-fun way (imo) then either reverse or rinse and repeat. I swiftly lost love for that map after a decent number of MM games on it, gotta say.

    <3 Powerhouse.

    Still not totally sold on Sword Base, it's probably my least favourite of the default maps (obviously not including Forged maps)

    Pinnacle... I don't like. Agreed that it's a sniper standoff, just too open and not enough attack paths if you ask me, I really have little love for it right now but I'm willing to keep trying in an attempt to see what it has to offer, not gonna call it awful at this stage.

    Zealot: Yeah, not so much with the MLG potential... I still enjoy it in default MM though, quite a lot depending on the gametype. The upper area can get really annoying against an organised team, but as a just a run and gun DMR arena I think it's pretty fun. But yeah, definitely not what I'd call a great MLG map in the making, though I want to see how it plays 3 plot (another gametype I'd like to see tried out in an MLG setting, along with Stockpile of course, though not on Zealot for the latter).

    I'm a sprint man through and through, so Bumper Jumper is fine for me as X is a perfectly useable button for the function. I can see the advantage of others now though, and my friend Jack has switched back to Default just for the sake of the Jetpack.

    tl;dr, disagree with most :p, but throughly agreed on some points.
    #46 Pegasi, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2010
  7. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Is it getting narrowed down on the settings/ loadouts for MLG yet?

    I didn't read anything in your post.
  8. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I think I'm gonna make a H3 classic mlg gametype just for customs every now and then.

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