(This is a direct copy and paste from my thread on XForgery. I don't know how much info you guys have over here, but I made this huge list, is I figured I might as well share it here, too.) I just spent the past few hours picking apart all of the Halo: Reach information available to create this thread. Everyone was sort of scrounging for information yesterday and there should be a clear place where everyone can find the available information. All the information in this thread is true and directly from the sources supplied. Anything that is my own opinion and/or words is in parenthesis. If I left anything out, please tell me, as well as supply the source. I want only true, factual information, not anyone's personal opinions or guesses. Also, if you want a lot of new information, skip down to the Comic-con Panel section. I was able to get a lot of new information from the videos. EDIT: Updated with a lot of new Firefight information. EDIT #2: Updated with Custom Skull Settings in Firefight and information taken from a Gamespot Demo, including a partial Forge World Vehicle List. Bungie Q & A Spoiler No weather effects. There are filters that can be used to mimic certain lighting effects, though. Shape" controls the shape of the object boundary. That's what we use for things like KOTH hills, respawn areas, kill zone areas, et cetera.” The “shape” option on objects allows them to be turned into a hill for King of The Hill gametypes. No “scaling” objects (making them larger, smaller, etc.). You’ll have to switch from different gametypes in forge mode to edit the objects for that gametype, just as it was in Halo 3. There is no “gravity” option for objects. The Bomb, Flag, and Oddballs can be controlled where they spawn, but not how the spawn works. You can make objects “plant points,” however (i.e. planting the bomb on a warthog or other object). Objects are grouped together so they share the same object limits. “So if you're setting up a map and can place, say, 50 wall pieces, it's actually 50 wall pieces of any type, not "10 doors, 10 corners, 10 single-width, 10 double-width, etc” Player cap is still 8 players in forge mode. Spartans still cannot swim on the water. One-way shield doors are confirmed. Placeable Armor Abilities confirmed. You can set it up so that you start the game with a certain armor ability, but can pick a different one up somewhere else in the game. When you “swap” them, it is just the same as swapping weapons. You get the new AA while the old one is left behind. No intereactaive objects such as open-able doors or switches. Objects can still be affected by gravity lifts, such as crates or dumpsters, and can still be used to hand-craft switches. Items blend better to reduce Z-fighting (the flickering between two merged objects). Forge hosting bugs have been fixed. No object “despawning,” meaning you can’t make an object “disappear” after a certain amount of time. Halo: Reach ships with a blank canvas version of Forge World. You can know start a game with any weapon, such as a flamethrower or fuel rod gun. No terrain editing tools. Time actively spent in Forge gives you some credits. “And pre-emptive chill-out: we do distinguish between ‘active’, ‘idle’, and ‘rubber band on your controller.’” All weapons will be available on all maps, as opposed to Halo 3 where certain weapons weren’t found on certain maps. “Safe Zones limit players to certain parts of the map, as defined by the map author. If you leave the Safe Zone, you either die (hard Safe Zone) or are warned to return to the battle (soft Safe Zone.)” You can change a vehicle’s color, as well as make them inherit the color of the team member that is driving them. Bungie ViDoc ViDoc: Spoiler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCcmrL29WII Information: Spoiler New program allows us to have bigger budgets and place more objects. $10,000 budget on Forge World. Forerunner-themed objects. New “Dice” object. Rock objects. “Created by” and “modified by” options while saving a map. Spoiler New map names: Boardwalk, Boneyard, Countdown, Powerhouse, Reflection, Spire, Sword Base, and Zealot. Maps part of Forge World: Asylum, Grifball Court, Hemorrhage, Paradiso, Pinnacle, The Cage, and Halo Classic. Spoiler Spawns are now colored, showing which team they are for. Coordinate editing. Spoiler Ascension remake in Forge World. Sanctuary remake in Forge World. Five areas of Forge World: No forge for Firefight mode. Holding RB locks the altitude on the Falcon. Comic-Con Panel Videos (3 Parts): Spoiler YouTube- Halo Reach Panel at Comic-Con 2010 - Part 1 YouTube- Halo Reach Panel at Comic-Con 2010 - Part 2 YouTube- Halo Reach Panel at Comic-Con 2010 - Part 3 Information: Spoiler Firefight matchmaking support. Firefight gametype customization. Firefight gametypes that ship with Reach are: Firefight, Firefight Classic, Generator Defense, Gruntpocalypse, Rocketfight, Score Attack, Versus. Generator Defense: Defend generators while fighting of AI. Gruntpocalypse: All grunts, all the times. Rocketfight: Unlimited rocket launchers with Firefight loadout and armor. Versus: Play from Covenant perspective. Red team starts as Spartans, Blue team starts as Covenant. All firefight maps are taken from campaign (missions, areas, etc.). New armor ability: Hologram. Sword has unique assassinations. While playing as Covenant, you can see how many lives the Spartan team has. New vehicle: The Forklift. It’s a forklift, it drives, it beeps while you back up. Improved Player Carnage Report in Firefight. New Blood Gulch map is called Hemorrhage. Bases are designed after Halo 1's Blood Gulch, terrain is an improved version of Halo 2’s Coagulation. Turret on the side of the Falcon. 150 pieces built for Forge World map (“about”). Coliseum is “roughly the same size” as the Crypt in Sandbox. Grifball variant built inside the Coliseum. Object User Interface options: Weapons Human, Weapons Covenant, Armor Abilities, Vehicles, Gadgets, Spawning, Objectives, Scenery, Structure. Gadgets subsection: Explosives, Health station, Powerups, Man Cannons, One Way Shield 2, One Way Shield 3, One Way Shield 4, Special FX, Shield Door Small, Shield Door Medium, Shield Door Large, Teleporters, Toys, Lights. Toys subsection: Die, Golf Ball, Golf Club, Killball, Soccer ball, Tin Cup. Structure subsection: Building Blocks, Bridges and Platforms, Decorative, Doors/Windows/ and Walls, Inclines, Natural, Grid (2 available). Building Blocks subsection (possibly full list, only what I managed to see): Block 1x1, Block 1x1 Flat, Block 1x1 Short, Block 1x1 Short, Block 1x1 Tall, Block 1x1 Tall and Thin, Block 1x2, Block 1x4, Block 2x1 Flat, Block 3x3, Block 3x2 Flat, Block 3x2 Short, Block 3x3 Tall, Block 3x4, Block 4x4, Block 4x4 Flat, Block 4x4 Short, Block 4x4 Tall, Block 5x3 Short, Block 5x5 Flat, (All blocks had a limit of 99). Properties section: Team, Physics, Spawn Time, Advanced, Shape, Object Color. (Color can be changed on 1x1 block, probably all blocks). Physics: Normal, Halo 3 object physics; Fixed, once you let go, it stay exactly how you were holding it (floats); Phased, allows you to merge any object into another object or map geometry. Holding down on left stick allows you to go into a “slow camera” forging mode. Special tools section: Edit Coordinates, Reset Orientation, Rotation Snap (Off, 5, 15, 20, 90 degrees shown. I think they go in increments of 5 degrees.), Delete All Of These. Rotation snap: Change to what degree you want, such as 20 degrees, then every time you turn that object, it will turn in 20 degree increments. Reset Orientation resets the object to its normal position. Bridges and Platforms subsection: Bridge Small, Bridge Medium, Bridge Large, Bridge XLarge, Bridge Diagonal, Bridge Diag Small, Dish, Dish Open. (Note, this was what was shown, not all there is.) Buildings subsection: Bunker Small, Bunker Small Covered, Bunker Box, Bunker Round, Bunker Ramp, Pyramid, Tower 2 Story, Tower 3 Story, Tower Tall, Room Double, Room Triple. (Note, this was what was shown, not all there is.) Vehicle Mancannons. Two Way Node Properties: Team, Physics, Spawn Time, Advanced, Shape, Radius, Top, Bottom, Object Color, Teleporter Channel (“Alpha” is shown), Players (“True” is shown), Land Vehicles, Heavy Vehicles, Flying Vehicles (“False” is shown for all vehicles). (Teleporter size can be edited by adjusting the Shape, radius, Top, Bottom, etc. Vehicles can now go through teleporters by changing the telporter vehicles settings from “False” to “True.” Special FX Subsection: Colorblind, Next Gen, Juicy, Nova, Olde Timey, Pen and Ink, Purple, Green. (Note, this was what was shown, not all there is.) Lights Subsection: Light Red, Light Blue, Light Green, Light Orange, Light Purple, Light Yellow, Light White, Light Red Flashing (Slow and Pulsating light). (Note, this was what was shown, not all there is.) Armor Abilities Subsection: Active Camouflage, Armor Lock, Drop Shield, Evade, Hologram, Jetpack, Sprint. (They have their own in-game appearance, as well. Similar to the overshield, active camo, etc.) Direct, in-game tagging. “Up to 1,000 of every item type.” 1,000 gametypes. 1,000 maps. 1,000 screenshots. Can turn on unlimited armor ability. Firefight Custom Settings (not complete, but there is a lot, including the available enemies): Spoiler Firefight Game Options Spoiler Firefight Settings Spoiler Wave Properties Spoiler Round 1 Wave Properties Spoiler Skulls Spoiler Red Spoiler Spartan Traits Elite Traits Wave Traits Spoiler Damage Modifiers Damage Resistance Shootiness Spoiler Unchanged Normal Marksman Trigger Happy (Note: These are only what was shown.) Grenades Vision Spoiler Unchanged Near Sighted Eagle Eye (Note: These are only what was shown.) Hearing Spoiler Unchanged Normal Deaf (Note: These are only what was shown.) Luck Spoiler Unchanged Normal Unlucky Lucky Leprechaun (Note: These are only what was shown.) Equipment Drop Immune To Headshots Immune To Assassination Blue Yellow Mythic Catch Tough Luck Famine Cloud Tilt Black Eye Grunt Birthday Cowbell IWHBYD Initial Wave Spoiler Uses Dropship Squad Selection Order Squad 1 Spoiler Jackal Patrol Jackal Snipers Heretics Heretic Snipers Heretic Heavy Grunts, Elites Elite Patrol Elite Infantry Elite Tactical Elite Airborne Elite Spec Ops Elite Generals Elite Strike Team Brutes, Brute Patrol Brute Infantry Brute Chieftains Brute Kill Team Hunters Hunter Patrol Hunter Infantry Hunter Tactical Hunter Strike Team Hunter Kill Team Squad 2 Squad 3 Main Waves Bonus Wave Round 2 Wave Properties Round 3 Wave Properties Bonus Wave Properties Spoiler Bonus Wave Duration Uses Dropship Skulls Squad Selection Order Squad 1 Squad 2 Squad 3 Wave Limit Turn Count Turn Limit Generator Properties Scenario Settings Spoiler Hazards Weapon Drops Ammo Crates Custom Skull Settings Spartan Settings Spoiler Respawn Time Starting Lives Maximum Extra Lives Elite Kill Bonus Basic Traits Spoiler Shields and Health Weapons and Damage Spoiler Damage Modifier Melee Modifier Primary Weapon Secondary Weapon (it should be noted that these now how a visual of the weapon, as well as the name of the weapon) Starting Equipment Grenade Count Infinite Ammo Weapon Pickup Equipment Usage Movement Sensors Appearance Loadouts Spoiler Loadout 1 Spoiler Name Primary Weapon Secondary Weapon Equipment, Grenades Hide Loadout Loadout 2 Loadout 3 Loadout 4 Loadout 5 Elite Settings General Settings Halo: Reach Comic-Con Stage Demo Spoiler Firefight "Scenario" subsection settings: Hazards, Weapon Drops, Ammo Crates. Firefight Custom Skull Wave Traits: Damage Modifiers, Damage Resistance, Shootiness, Grenades, Vision, Hearing, Luck, Equipment Drop, Immune To Headshots, Immune To Assassination. Forge World Vehicle List: Banshee, Falcon, Ghost, Mongoose, Revenant, Scorpion, Shade Turret, Warthogs. (There were more options on the list. Also note that Warthog is plural, suggesting there are different types, and also does not show item amount. Also note that some vehicles are already placed on the map.) Two turrets on Falcon, one on each side. Holograms run straight forward, in the direction that your reticle is pointing Drop Shield Armor Ability: Drops a shield (similar to bubble shield, but with a blue look to it), but takes damage from enemy fire.
Make the super firefight spoiler much less spoiler. Just delete all the spoils and copy the originally posted spoiler from B.Net. Too many spoilers spoil the spoiling. ......
I found the source much easier to understand. But it is very clear you put a lot of hard work into this epic pile of info. Death YoYo deserves to be quoted! ... which I will do... later... when I'm not lazy... maybe...
Oh please, if you quote me at least make sure its not one of my three or four posts about sexually abusing 12 year old girls. Those are the only times people listen to me... But srs, less spoilers. You saw how they made my post amusing? Well, they made your post REALLY annoying, which is not good! < < Also, since im off to bed now, anybody who reads my post count make a wish! ;D <
Can you direct me to the spoiler posted on Bungie.net? I have no idea what you're talking about. And this is a direct copy from XForgery, where we still use the regular spoilers which, in my opinion, are a lot less confusing. Edit: Updated with the "Scenario" settings in Firefight (thanks to a possible slip-up during an interview), and all the available settings for Custom Skulls that effect the Wave Traits in Firefight. Also added this, as well:
There are at least 11 mongooses that you can place on forge world, the ViDoc shows 11 driving away from something Not much of a help, but it might make race map people a bit more excited xD
...So we can assume theres at least 12. Why would they stop at a number like 11? It's more likely to stop at a number like 7.7--- At least that would make sense, what with Bungie's obsession with that number.