Invisibility is still the only one i find extremely annoying even though you are slightly more visible while running. The radar jam addition needs to go away completely as well as the time that it last for has to be reduced drastically. I played a few games of KoTH where the strategy for most people was stand around invis where the hills spawn and gather points, not to say a good team can't win without it, but it's really annoying to play hide and seek every KoTH game i play. Invis also makes camping as a sniper way to easy, if your completely invis when you are standing still you can take all the time in the world from the side of the map and snipe all day. All in all I'm enjoying some refreshing halo games again. Jetpack is great for those who can hold a button while aiming, tossing grenades, or whatever and since I am one of these people i love it. Armor lock is now growing to be my new love thanks to lightsout's guide but i still love my jetpack.
I think the jetpack is epic and nI totally agree with you on the radar jamming part. Though I wont be able to test it cuz my XBOX crashed today and I only played like 7 games last night. It really sux.
Something majorly pissing me off is the fact that if you beat down, then the other does a second later it is a tie and you both die. Also how i am somehow able to beat down by not facing the person. And how you can clash with someone who has the sword even if you don't. @TSB: I think it's really good, but needs more improvement like the sound (I know it's a bug) and how your crosshair goes red if pointed at them.
I just made a thread in the Reach Beta Feedback forum at that requests a revision of the Stalker loadout. I sure hope they hear me out.
Jetpack and sprint are my favorite. To me, getting somewhere I need to be faster>invulnerability+invisibility. Maps definitely need work for some of the gametypes. 1 flag on Powerhouse is weird because you can instantly score using the perfectly placed man cannon, though I do enjoy the frantic attempts at reaching the flag when everyone is scrambling for it. Stockpile on Powerhouse is the most one-sided thing ever. Majority of flags spawn waaay too close to the red team. I think the only thing blue team has going for them is the middle area where the map sort of caves in. I found that a lot of times blue team was always throwing flags into the middle, forcing red team to have to go all the way around to return it. Even then though, red team still always wins. In addition, Powerhouse just plays terribly for juggernaut and oddball. The juggernaut/ball carrier can easily camp inside the showers making it almost impossible to kill the juggernaut/retrieve the oddball, especially when the carrier's team is guarding him using armor lock. Other than that, I found the shotgun's range to be ridiculously long. It should either be reduced or the shots it can store before reloading reduced. I personally found that grenades are fine the way they are. While they do seem overpowering, I think what should really happen is the speed and jump height be slightly increased. The problem was, I never had enough time to get away from the blast. Aside from those, I never had any other dislikes for the beta; Bungie did a great job of balancing the weapons and armor abilities. Can't wait for invasion!
Yeah. That always confuses me >.< Bungie should just use halo 3s game stats thingy. It's way better than the new one. Also, I absolutely hate the thing where everyone starts with there vote on the top thing. Cost me the first and only covenant slayer I've seen.
The game feels a tad robotic for me. I mean, I feel that there was just more smooth-flowing movement in Halo 3. Some might not fully get my point, but it's kinda hard to explain it well.
AGREED Like: Needle rifle, armor abilities, stockpile, new colors for spartans and new emblems Dislike: When playing split screen the sound supression affects everyone. When playing split screen you have to vote for the same thing. The menus are off set to the left so my words run off of the left side and I have a gap on the right side of my screen. The grenades are to powerful especially since they increased the radius and slowed down the spartans [solution: speed up the spartans a bit, I miss that Im so fast and I can jump so high Im invincible feeling]
It's something I've noticed about other FPSs too. Games like Gears, Army of Two, etc have a lot of canned animations for simple things like walking, throwing things, interacting with environment, etc. It makes the game feel like you're just followng along. Games like all of the Halo series and Modern Warfare (2 also) tend to keep graphics on the backburner for more fluid and simple movements. Visuals seen are simple, like crouching and turning, but overall, with either the same or higher frames per second, gameplay is more immersive, like you have more control over your player.
i know i just bashed the game a few posts back but i still want to make the point about jetpacks....i feel bungie is tryin to LEVEL the playin field with just makes me mad to no longer have to really try to get places...EX = in powerhouse the rockets are in a very vulnerable place being back in the halo 3 you would need to make a choice or work as a team to get them...but now anyone just drops down and flys back up! stupid! basically bungie gave people the ability to do what they tried so hard to fix in halo 2....SUPER BOUNCE! the only way i can see the packs workin is if they were CAPPED at like 15ft. MAX more like a small leap...(crackdown anyone?!?!) but with that said i guess someone has to a easier said name then D-M-R....thats too long and doesnt flow right... so i thought this sounded a lil better. "DE-MER" doesnt that just sound nicer to say then D-M-R?!?!
true, in halo 3 you would have to do that. But this is not halo 3. This is a different game, with different situations. Dont expect them to pull an infinity ward and just rehash their previous game. That would just be bad development. Super bouncing was a glitch used to get into areas that would be off limits. The jetpack is intentional, and the maps were designed in a way that the jetpack would be fair. that would make it underpowered. no comment Back on topic: Likes- ~DMR ~loadouts ~the fact that it seems to be more skill based than halo 3 Dislikes- ~the aiming reticle is too hard to see. whenever I fly and shoot down on people, it becomes completely invisible. This might just be my 12-inch-10-year-old tv talking, but I would still like to see that fixed. ~sprint should either recharge faster or last longer. ~stockpile flags should be lettered as if they were territories
I feel like every non-explosive gun except shotgun and sniper needs a damage boost. The AR, Repeater, Magnum, DMR, Needle Rifle, and Focus Rifle all take too long to get a kill, its to the point where grenades, melee, or a teammate are your only good options. And on the subject of grenades: they're fine, but the Spartans move too slow and jump too little to avoid them effectively. I get that Spartans and Elites are supposed to feel very different, but I think Bungie went a little too far. They're supposed to feel human in comparison to the Spartan II supersoldiers and alien Elites, but they feel too human. I do love the Armor Abilities, yes even Armor Lock. I don't like using it myself right now, because there just aren't enough situations where I wish I had it over Sprint, Jetpack or Camo. The only time I say to myself I wish I'd chosen Armor Lock are when I know the other team has rockets before I spawn, and I get killed by them. But it isn't ruining my experience or anything, and other people seem to like it just fine.
The only 2 problems I have with the Beta is: Elites & Armour Lock Elites: Bungie said Elites are stronger and faster than Spartans. Plus the fact they have better tech right? Wrong, Elites are easy to kill. Main Problem with Elites is abilities. All the Elites have is Jet Pack (Spartans) Active Camo (Spartans) and Envade. Infact Envade is the only ability that does revolve around the Spartans getting it too. Active Camo should only go to Elites. Elites are easy to find at times however, their sword stays hidden. Fix: Make Elites have Active Camo only! Spartans have way to many Abilities in the Beta then Elites. Elites Jet Pack Should Look Covenent Style, Not the same as the Spartans. Armour Lock: I've seen this many times when you throw a grenade that slightly hurts them, they turn on Armour Lock. I dont like wasting my time waiting for him to get out of it because I always get hit from behind or grenaded to death. Camping has increased completely because of this and is why many people claim to of have a Perfection Because of Camping on the top floor of Sword Base with a Sniper with the Armour Lock Ability. How does bungie not see these things? Fix: Make Armour Lock only avaiable when more than 60% of your health is down. That why if they get out of armour lock you have a 50% chance of killing him. Also let Armour Lock affect Teammates. Have 2 or More trying to return a flag when all of them are in the lock is just Overpowering. Some Minor Issues are: Spartans Height is too Low! Grenades Damage Radius is too huge! Barely Manage to Jump over Ghost! Slow down the Grenade Throws (Throwing 2 Grenades in a Second!) Tank is way too overpowering, 1 Shot Kill everything! Make a Core Returned Voice and Remove the Flag Returned Voice when playing Invasion! About 2 More Health Packs on Each Map!
Is it just me or are people invulnerable like 2 seconds after they come out of armour lock? It does my head in, because I'm just about to kill someone, they go into armour lock, i time a grenade to blow up just as they come out of it (and they should die as I already have their shields down) then I sprint in and hit them straight after (once again they should die). At this point they hit me back at the same time so I lose my shields. We hit each other again, and i die, they dont. Has happened so many bloody times and i dont think it should be that way. As soon as someone comes out of armour lock, you should be able to land damage on them. If I'm wrong and they aren't invulnerable after coming out of armour lock for a brief time, i am obviously just so **** at halo :/ I keep forgetting to go back and check whats happening in theatre after the game.
Stop complaining just because you're bad at the game. Also, there will be more armor abilities for both species in the full game.
invasion is incredibly biased toward the spartans, with the elites not having access to long range weapons at the start, mid-range weapons in the second part, and powerful range weapons at the end. spartans can spawn with the DMR from the start, can use the DMR or AR in the second part, and have access to laser, rocket, and grenade launcher in the end. boost powers on covenant vehicles also seems to have almost no effect at all, with an increase in speed of about 10% invisibility provides no cover unless still or crouchwalking, and radar jammer makes it work just like scrambler from MW2
Okay so in all I do LIKE the beta, however I would like some major changes. 1. When I sprint, it should not make it harder to turn. What I find myself doing is having to stop running, turn, and then start running again. It should be more like Cod's run if they're going to have running abilities. 2. The DMR and Needle Rifle don't feel good at all. When you shoot them, the sounds have no base or nice clinks to them. I feel like I'm shooting peas or playing with my Tv's sound off. 3. Overall think loadouts are bad. Jet packs offer the ability to get to power weapons that in halo 2 and halo 3 were actually fought for. They also destroy "control spots". They should be pick-ups. 4. When they added in the running ability, they made walking without it 10 times as slow to make the ability that much more valuable. This is not how it should be. People without it should be able to walk a bit faster. 5. There's no duel wielding. I feel there should be. I just miss it. There's no reason to take it out. Things I do like however 1. Pistol and Assault Rifle are about perfect right now. 2. Head Hunter is a success. 3. No more flag running.
I can't wait for the the roundhouse kick armour ability. But Whisper is right. I see a lot of criticism, and hardly any is constructive. People complain about armour lock because the only thing more annoying than getting killed, is getting killed when you could have killed the other guy. Which is armour lock's purpose. It's in that sweet spot where it's just powerful enough to be viable, and just flawed enough to not be infallible.