Reach Beta Feedback

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Orange, May 3, 2010.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    There were some complaints I had... But since I've had it since Friday, I've sort of gotten used to it. You learn how to hear grenades whizzing through the air and get the hell out. I have absolutely no complaints. I used to think the DMR and Needle Rifle needed a damage boost, but if you aim for the head you'll be fine!
  2. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Well, my only complaints so far are that I can't play another game since the servers are down.

    I played one game and then for the past 30 minutes the servers have been down.
  3. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I've played 3, If you back out to the very first menu, where the Elite is, then enter it usually lets you re-enter. sometimes you have to dashboard first though.
  4. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    The servers for the beta are terrible. It will not let me consecutive games. The one game I had played though was enjoyalbe. I must say though the sprinting and invis abilities need some work. The running ability is good but is very hard to turn around corners. The invisibilty perk is not good at all. I feel the radar jammer affect it has is bad because it alarms people that are present(Hmmm kind of sounds like the scrambler perk doesnt it?). The game I played was enjoyable but Bungie should have saw this coming with the amount of people who were going to play the Beta. They might need to add some servers so more people can play.

    Enjoyalbe, interesting, and challenging.
    Interesting with the new abilities.
    Awesome new guns.

    Bad >:[
    For some people who are unable to play multiple games in a row.
    Invisibily needs lots of help
    Sprinting could use some adjusting

    Overall its okay I think with only that one game
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Does this answer your question?
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    So, are the servers flashing on and off, or are they just down long term?
  7. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Nah, its pretty random. By chance I'll get on there, and then I'll get something, come back, and I'll be offline.

    Just keep going back to menu, dashboard..etc. It'll work.
  8. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    It's better than Halo 3, which is good.
  9. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Back on topic now.
    I actually am starting to like the stealth class. I've seen it being alot more useful in arena.
  10. cortinator

    cortinator Ancient
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    With over 200 games played, here's what I take from the beta so far.

    + Too many rifles and guns with scopes (pistol), not enough CQC weapons
    + Bungie is too influenced from Worms and needs to lay off of the Holy Hand grenades.
    + Grenades do not have that bounce that they did in the other games
    + The spartan model does not have your player emblem on him.
    + The spartan model does not carry weapons on his back (I liked that =[)
    + Still no rewind feature in Theater mode (not talking about the 10 second bookmark back button, but an actual rewind button) and there is no FAST forward (Still dreadful to fastforward towards the end of an 11 minute game)
    + Where's the "Score to Win" that usually gets displayed? For the life of me, I cannot tell what the score is to win when I play Oddball.

    Things I Like
    + Innovative and fun maps! How many times have we seen maps that are ALWAYS symmetrical and boring?
    + Innovative and fun gametypes! Seriously, whoever thought of Headhunter and Stock Pile are geniuses.
    + Better integration with the equipment
    + Loading films seem to be quicker
    + Sleek UI (Even tells you your current location next to the motion sensor! D=)
    + Controls, albeit takes time to get used to, makes sense for the gameplay
  11. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    -When you sprint with the sword, then stop, you have to pull out the sword again. (cost me alot of life's)
    -When you melee someone with the sword and they melee you at the same time (with any gun) they don't die. I hate that so much! Sword > normal melee.
    -Camo needs to be better when moving (and a tiny bit when crouching/moving slow) And maybe add a option to turn off radar jammer.
    -The lack of covenant matches in matchmaking. I haven't had 1 yet and I've been playing all day!
    -The new last game stats thing, it sucks. No MVP, harder to navigate, and it doesn't tell you how many of each award you got.
    -New health system. Maybe just make the health bit recharge slowly and keep the health packs.
    -New melee system. 1/2 the time both players die and melee should be able to hit both shields and health.

    Everything else! Beta is awesome so far other than those other things.
    #31 Turkey bag56, May 4, 2010
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  12. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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    Everything except grenado damage
  13. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    90% of everything, especially the arena.
    the server issue that went on for most of last night, and the 10% of the time where i die.
    also, I really, really want to play invasion/slayer, good thing i have friday off :)
  14. OrangeJuice

    OrangeJuice Ancient
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    alll i hate is active camo is way to vulnerable to grenades, other then that the games wins.
  15. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    To add to my first dislikes, I really hate Stockpile so much.
  16. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I agree with this, but also include the fact that it automatically puts you in to the game stats screen instead of putting you in to the lobby. I'd much rather be able to select to enter the game stats instead of being forced to enter it.
  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Stockpile is garbage on asymmetric maps. As would be 2 flag, neutral bomb etc.
  18. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...............take out F*CKING JETPACKS!!! as of now i HATE this game....i love halo 3...and to have this game follow, ouch bungie!

    -ALL spots shud be jump-able, (without packs) no reason for ppl scaling over walls with jetpacks, WHY? so annoying to be chasing someone when they're hurt around a corner to find them flying away....what ever happen to skill i.e ninja!

    -weapons = poop! feels like they dont do enough damage. no longer sick 4 it's "PERFECT 6 SHOT MAN... : ("

    -HEALTH PACKS- no longer can i sit an let my shield regen and then go right back into team BR' its like "F*ck, where is a stupid health pack...hold on guys im goin to run across the map and get one. ill be right back....."

    -LOADOUTS- ok call of duty....real original!
    -sprint- the only one that doesnt really affect the game in a way...only thing is when you sprint and the jump out of it it feels like there is zero gravity...
    -armor lock- "oh shoot your shooting at me...power punch" just hate playin flag and every two seconds someone is power punchin around the flag to return it...
    -invis- "why is there always millions of stupid red dots on my screen..." BUNGIE, thanks for the radar if you're constantly going to scatter it with CHICKEN POX!
    -jetpacks- oh great there goes another kid flying in the air....WORST IDEA IN HALO HISTORY!!!

    As you can see i really just needed to vent off a lot of frustration with this BETA (i know its a beta) like i said i love halo 3 and its game play...but this game is no where near matching that. As of now i can not see this game being played in MLG (which it will) if bungie slapped a $60 price tag one 20new maps for halo 3, i would waaaaaaaaayyyyyy rather pay for that and be HAPPY! **** i already payed that for 3 MAPS!!! (halo:ODST)

    PLEASE GET RID OF LOAD-OUTS....(sprints ok)

    AND ALSO ALL YOU BETA PLAYERS OUT THERE....VOTE to get slayer pro! then the game can be sorta fun.............SORTA!

    once again sorry for the venting, but someone need to do it! thanks guys...
    and dont hesitate to AGREE with me, i dont think im the only one out there that shares these opinions!
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You aren't the only one who has those opinions. Unfortunately.
  20. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    schleb, this is a new game, develop a new strategy...

    And I LOVE Armor lock SO MUCH!!!
    I just go invincible right when the 'nades go off, then let go right after they explode and continue with my business.

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