So, what's your feedback on the Reach Beta? Things you like and things you dislike in the beta. For me, I hate the new health system. It makes it very hard to get killstreaks, especially clutch. Sword base, it's way to vertical and is hard to get by using anything but jetpacks. Grenades are way too strong. The invisibility armor ability; doesn't help that much in comparison to other abilities. The new health system makes alot of stuff hard to do, clutch in hard situations, survive or even get a flag and return it. You can't hide and recover then go on to finish. In oddball it's alot harder to keep the ball as everyone has armor abilities, you don't. The control scheme for bumper jumper What I like: Team swat is really fun The rarity of the DMR and Needle Rifle When you switch weapons you Lose accuracy for a second headhunter You guys post some Also, You can still butterfly.
For me, I hate the new health system. It makes it very hard to get killstreaks, especially clutch. Agreed. Sword base, it's way to vertical and is hard to get by using anything but jetpacks. Sprint works well on Sword Base; jumping from bridge to bridge allows for moving around the map much faster. Grenades are way too strong. Not really too strong, but the damage area is expanded, and since jumping has been changed, it's pretty difficult to get away from well-placed nades. The invisibility armor ability; doesn't help that much in comparison to other abilities. Confirmed bug by Bungie: The Active Camo AA is not supposed to have the sound suppressing effect. The new health system makes alot of stuff hard to do, clutch in hard situations, survive or even get a flag and return it. You can't hide and recover then go on to finish. Agreed. In oddball it's alot harder to keep the ball as everyone has armor abilities, you don't. It's the tradeoff for holding the oddball. Imagine, people using sprint to run around MW2 style OHK'ing others? or flying really high up to the top of a map to snag some extra points before everyone unloads on the ballcarrier with ARs and pistols? The control scheme for bumper jumper I avoid Jetpack because I'm used to Bumper Jumper. My 2 cents.
Bungie posted about 2000 codes on Friday. Microsoft, along with hundreds of people on Twitter and Facebook, have sent out like 15000 codes over the weekend. Where have you been?
Likes: -sword base's verticalness -the sound suppression when invisible -the new shotty -all the armor abilities are mostly perfect in my eyes -the rarity of the DMR and Needle Rifle -you can actually kill people with plasma weapons -covy slayer -sprint, sprint, sprint. -the RECON controller layout Dislike: -the armor permutations thus far -no emblem on your spartan -getting stuck in assassination animations when you only tapped it -neutral gametypes [stockpile] on one sided maps [powerhouse]. -the spartans move slightly too slow... need 10% increase.
Oh yeah: Dislike New file shares, boring and dull Armor, it all looks the same, too hard to differentiate Like New lobby Loves New matchmaking system Just a few i forgot --- And how if you dont vote it puts it down as the first option, hate that
They realllllly need to stop the automatic voting for the first option, because when people arent paying attention which happens a lot, that one gets picked and often times it sucks. Also, the configuration for Bumper Jumper NEEDS to be changed. Armor ability and jump should be on the bumpers. Bumper Jumper renders the jetpack utterly useless. There's more but you guys got it just about covered.
Dislike: -I dislike, no hate, the effectiveness of the grenade. One frag can kill people at about 25%-50% shield if close enough. They need to nerf it. -Reticle Bloom. Only because it makes SWAT impossible for me and I am not used to it -How I cant play invasion yet >.< -Spawns for 1 Flag on Sword Base -Unfairness of Stockpile on Powerhouse (red team has an advantage) Likes: -Everything else!
i know its just a beta but there needs to be more servers...Bungie representatives said they expected 3 million+ people to join the beta so they knew fully well what they were in for, and therefore there should be more servers or more server getting sick of waiting 15 min in between each match also, they need to make the invisiblility perk more deadlly because even when i have it on i instantly get shot at and even get killed by head shots all the time...i dont feel very sneaky when i get killed right away while using invisibility
You know butterflying in Halo 3? Search it on youtube. Its hard to explain but basically it allows two people to constantly move upwards with hitting, reloading, hitting again.
One thing I gotta agree with you on, silence: new shotgun is rape. It seems to have an extended rage but slimmed down cone of damage, which I love. It balances off with the extended range by increasing the emphasis on aim just the right amount IMO. Methinks you're having some serious fun with already, right dude? It's funny how no one seems to have worked out it's location on Powerhouse. Vastly unused and otherwise barren location? Yeah, Bungie were never gonna put something really cool there as an incentive.
There are no dedicated servers in Halo or xbox live. The wait time is caused by the population of players in any given playlist. The fewer people there are, the longer the wait time you experience. Once the beta hits mainstream wait times should drop significantly.
I don't like the health system, and how a guy went into armor lock, I stood behind him, ready to assassinate him, and when he came out, he somehow beat me down even though his back was facing me >: ( Also, the grenade damage pisses me off.
I basically like everything except it is somewhat hard to use jet pack with Bumper Jumper. I think it's ridiculous that games still don't have control mapping. Then I would put abilities on LS click. And I also don't know any of the weapon locations But finding them is half the fun