I just got a bunch more. The Ark (B), Heroic, 48 kills. Sierra 117 (B), Heroic, 73 kills. That brings me to 588. Do I have to do this by myself?
looks like it... lol well i'm on holidays from friday so i'll have heaps of time to kill me some covenant, a co-op perhaps?
Running Total: Floodgate, Legendary, 92 kills. Tsavo Highway, Heroic, 158 kills. Crow's Nest, Heroic, 162 kills. Crow's Nest (B), Normal, 71 kills. The Ark (B), Heroic, 48 kills. Sierra 117 (B), Heroic, 73 kills. Sierra 117, Heroic, 127 kills. Crow's Nest (B), Heroic, 40 kills. Total: 755 kills
Already started here... Anyway, I'm running Rally point Bravo on Crow's Nest, so far done around 600 kills. Hope to do a factor of 10 more at least. EDIT: Difficulty - Easy; Skulls - Iron, Catch, Cowbell, Grunt Birthday Party
Why are you talking about Halo in General Chat?!?!? Why the hell do we even have a Halo Discussion sub-forum then?? Anyways, perhaps someone with mod powers could do something cool like merge the threads? Or I could just start posting over there. I'm the only one in this thread anyway.
So far today I have gotten 362 kills in campaign plan to do some more later. links- Sierra 117 Crows nest Tsavo highway.
Hooray for merging threads! I've just got 100+ more kills. I'll add 'em to my running total later. By the way, I'm getting some kick-ass screenshots, but Bnet won't let me see any of the pictures I'm taking in the expanded versions in the screenshot viewer. There's an error. Anyone else getting that?
man I want to contribute, stupid rrod. And great job Furious, youre racking them kills up like sheep. Any1 know who has the highest here?
8 Days left. Am I right? What's the kill count up to? I'm going to spend all tommorow playing campagin. Should add something. 3000 kills on this account LOL zombie only has 300, rofl.
currently we need a little over 170 million more kills to reach 7 billion, in 8 days. Thats somethin like 21-22 million kills a day until the 7th. Im skeptical... but ill try and do my part anyway, i like campaign.
I do around 200 kills a day also I think we are going to make it we are getting around 20m kills a day