yep apparently, don't know how true it is though. also just ran through crows nest again don't turn on catch its annoying!!! stupid Granades!! also max kills on Crows Nest(B) Heroic is 63 just did it and scoured every inch of the level and killed everything
I like it because they drop loads and I can run through with unlimited nades sticking. I just find it quicker, personally.
I've been doing Cortana, Rats Nest, and Floodgate in Heroic, and i'm getting alot of kills. around 100 a game.
I only found it annoying because I kept getting stuck at certain point because of the granades coming at me all at once, the bit before the bomb i'm going to put the image in my sig only until 7B gets hit then i'll take it out because its too big
Grunt Birthday Party Skull makes it a hell of a lot easier one shot kill and also they explode sometimes killing surrounding Grunts making a chain reaction, I've once cleared a room by shooting one Grunt, it was funny Headshot Grunt (Explodes) > Grunt Dies From Explosion (Explodes) > Fusion Coil (Explodes) > Brute Dies
I never play with Grunt's Birthday Party off, its just so amusing. It rewards you for shooting the enemy in the head. Game - "Pew!"..."HOORAY!*confetti flys*" Player - "He He He"
I'm pretty sure I have contributed more to the halo 2 stats in the last week than I have in halo 3, but I think I might be over it now.
so anyone wanna do some campaign runs? send me a Friend Request TSA Fallenrat also go Here for cool stuff and a countdown also found out why they say go solo its because instead and sharing the same enemies you each have your own game and kill all yourself OMG yay i'm a member 186,988,042 Left at the current rate we will get 28,000,000 kills today 300,000 kills per 15 mins
I'm going to put the link in my sig. Hopefully the more the better. Anyway that's kinda a big thing for me as I've never had a sig on FH, ever. We can do this!
I just killed heaps more enemies on Cortana Also if you quit do your kills still count theres something to think about.
7 Billion by Seven. I am devoting my day entirely tomorrow to Campaign I need some takers to help me out though.
I'd like to hijack this thread as a place for people to post their progress toward 7 billion by 7/7. Since the announcement, on 6/24, how many campaign kills have you contributed? As of right now, I have currently contributed 467 kills since the announcement. Here are the links. Floodgate, Legendary, 92 kills. Tsavo Highway, Heroic, 158 kills. Crow's Nest, Heroic, 162 kills. Crow's Nest (B), Normal, 71 kills. I will be giving +rep to anyone who gets 1000 or more kills in campaign from the Bungie announcement until 7/7. Post the links to the games in your Bnet game history. Add up the totals, post the links, and enjoy your rep. How many have you gotten?
i already have 10,000 kills from just messing around, others probably have more. Anyone want to do some glitching or launching? that's basically how i get kills,on the way looking for random stuff, i kill a lot, then die, reload cp kill more...