looks very messy, and i dont get the idea behind the death square, could you describe that a little bit i think this could be a good map, you just need to put more time into the interlocking
what is there to explain about the death square? you fall in. mancannons push you to teleporter. you die
how can you say this is the worst map ever that is my map lol i love this map and i like the movie but once again wouldn't this be under aestetics and also the first pic the wall looks kinda sloppy but the rest is brilliant 9.5/10
This Isn't really an aesthetic map because it Is what I remember from the game Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles.
a little bit of this looks alittle messy, i suggest taking more time on it. you have all the time in the world
That looks very cool. I really like the mini stairs. Like some else said, a few things could be fixed, but overall it looks very good
good mapzzz lol no seriously i like it, just a bit untidy though ps:to the first post guy if ur gonna spell ever spell it like this... WORST MAP EVVARRRRR