RE ZERO Mansion A Slight replica of the mansion from Resident Evil 0 from what I remember. Download RE ZERO Mansion Download Outbreak I have put 20+ hours into this masterpiece. Welcome to the Mansion... Back story: You are a S.T.A.R.S. member and your train has just crashed in front of a strange mansion. You have no choice but to go inside and help for a few of you are injured. This place is deserted and it is infested with strange creatures. Most of your squad has come to the conclusion that they are ZOMBIES. You must now find your way through or die trying... I started creation on this map on this map after I bought the Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii. The game was instant inspiration and before I knew it, I already had a Basic layout for the map. My only problem was how it would be connected. So I used a very basic teleporter door design with which you could not see the teleporter. That is when I really started forging... Power-up Key Yellow Power-up: Refill "health" Red Power-up: Double "health" I'm sure you have skipped that block of text to see the pics. Here you go. Human Spawn Zombie Start at beginning Zombie Start after 10 sec Entry Room Conference room Balcony Death Sequence Hall/Trophy Room Overview Hallway Trophy Room from Hallway Labs Action Shots Here are the Download Links again. Download RE ZERO Mansion Download Outbreak
Don't listen to this guy... He has no Idea what hes talking about and hes spamming.. The map layout looks great I love remakes and I love Resident Evil so i am sure to love this! Great job i just advise cleaning up a few small things like consider adujudting thoes window pannels so they allign good. Btw i - Repped the guy... Dont listen to him he hasn;t come out with anything speical. And hes warned hes just a troll
Your first picture is kinda small, the rest are good though. I've seen more of these Mansion maps in which you have to wind your way thru small tunnels, it's interesting. I wish I could download, but I've reached my limit, and no one I know plays H3 with me anymore, sorry.
This map is essentially good but it could use a little tidying up here and there. It does look a little bit like the original though
Looks extremely fun except some of it is messy and needs to be more cleaner nice but you got some clean interlocking good job 4/5
Thanks for all the constructive criticism you guys. I might have rushed this to much and next time I will use the infinite money glitch. PS: Fixing small pic
this is a very awesome map! it was very addicting when me and my friends played. i love the interlocking too 5/5
This looks fairly fun, but I'd just like to say that some of your walls look crooked or improperly merged. Other than that, it looks like decent fun.
In the first of the "duplicated" images it is normal. The second however has a little window panel ledge so the zombie can get out.
Looks cool. I especially like the "falling off balcony" part. Lots of interlocking, although a few places look kind of messy. 4/5!
Thanks for the compliment Zeta Arcadee. what is the next resident evil mansion i should replicate next?