You may remember me from such puzzle maps as TERRORtories and Earth. Well now I bring to you my most evil puzzle map yet. Re on carnation (get it?) Goal: Capture the territory On Your Own! (i.e. with no extra help and no partner jumping) Mega Challenge: Locate and grab the 4 deployable covers hidden in the map while playing the custom game and on your own! Forge may assist you to find them, but it won't help you actually grab them when in the custom game. Consider yourself a puzzle master if you manage to "Catch them all!" Warning: This puzzle map is hard, really really hard. I specifically design my maps to challenge the most experienced of puzzle solvers. I myself find most other puzzle maps far to easy to complete/break. This map is designed for people out there like me, who like a REAL challenge and not just a bunch of predicable turret clipping through wall tricks. You WILL see new ideas in this map that have never been done before. The unique design of the puzzle map allows for a checkpoint system, so be thankfull for that. The Premise: I've taken a unique premise on this puzzle map. It centres on the idea of having a hub to the puzzle map where all the puzzles link to it. To begin with you must make your way to the hub/lobby. After that each puzzle consists of a series of tasks that culminate in the unblocking of a teleporter back in the lobby. You must then find a way to kill yourself, returning you to the lobby, and take a new path, rinse and repeat. Now you see where the reincarnation idea comes from. You're essentially reincarnating yourself and taking a better path each time bringing you closer to enlightenment, well, er, a territory marker (same thing right?) Hints + Pics: Puzzle 1 (pic): 1 room is infact 3. 1 room contains the means for the way out, another contains the means for the means for the way out, and the other room contains the means for the means for the means for the way out. (mean innit) Puzzle 2 (no pic): Just shoot, run and jump, easy. Puzzle 3 (pic): Take out the trash Puzzle 4 (pic): Woohoo we made it to the hub of the map. Now to begin the hunt for our first teleporter to unblock Puzzle 5 (pic): Releasing the ball from captivity is not done in this room. then it's all about walls and balls. Puzzle 6 (no pic): Now we can use something to unblock the first teleporter and also get us back to the lobby, thus beginning "enlightenment". puzzle 7 (pic): After entering our first teleporter in the lobby, jump off a pallet. Puzzle 8 (pic): Double the lift, double your pleasure, but how? The health that glows is the health that knows. Puzzle 9 (no pic): Unblock the green room and return to enlightenment. Puzzle 10 (no pic): Sometimes the same door can have two exits. Puzzle 11 (no pic): the green room was actualy a red room, madness, just clip on out to the otherside. Puzzle 12 (pic): Let the goose, loose, about this hoose. Puzzle 13 (pic): Find and unblock the teleporter. Attempting to backtrack with the mongoose can be a risky business, just don't punch the walls in frustration or you'll really be in for it. Puzzle 14 (pic): Warning landmines ahead, watch your step! It's always better jamming with two. Puzzle 15 (pic): You're just gonna have to dig your way out of this mess you've gotten yourself into. I find tea works best. Puzzle 16 (pic): Man up and unblock that teleporter. Then it's time to make a spartan sandwich, with mongoose and wall bread. Finish off your sandwich with some punch. Puzzle 17 (no pic): Yeah you know where you're gonna have to go to reach the next puzzle from the lobby, you've just been avoiding it up to now haven't you? Well it's time to find a way up to that teleporter! All you need is your two feet to make it up there, honest! Puzzle 18 (pic): A spooky edge will allow you to leave this room, but don't forget to give that tank a nudge before you go. (because the next jump is a bit of a pane) Puzzle 19 (pic): Smoking kills, so have some tea. Puzzle 20 (no pic): "Wait, what, there's another teleporter in the lobby?" Yup, it's a bit of a shadowy customer though! At least the barriers help to lead the way. Puzzle 21 (pic): The final hurdle. First you need to unleash the pink fury before you can enter and complete this room, be quick about it though, your cylindrical friend will not hang around long! That's it for the hints. Good Luck! Map : Here Gametype (Required) : Here Walkthrough Video (You know you need it) : Here
once again anotehr good map, though your hints give a little to much help. I'm more of an ametuer puzzle maker myself though, so if you ever felt like makin a maze together some time i would do it gladly, once again, killer map!
You may think the hints give alot of help, but you'd be surprised.... Things are alot more complicated than they first appear, I'm just helping to give a push in the right direction, otherwise you'll be there for hours (some people are still in there for hours anyway) Once you start playing the map I can almost asure you you'll be begging me for more useful advice. Once the map reaches a specific number of downloads I will provide a walkthrough vid, untill then I will continue to provide more useful advice to those that need it.
i think u misunderstood me...... i could solve it pretty fast BECAUSE of the hints u gave.....tho i spend most of my time doing puzzles anyways which could be why...
Well in that case I look forward to seeing a video of you completing it shortly. If you have a video for me by the end of the week, without me having to give you any further advice, I'll be impressed. I'm not being arrogant, I'm being honest, and I hope you're up for trying the challenge I've laid down.
finally its been posted yeah! i have the beta so i bet there the same but hey why not d/l this map is sweet and i hope everyone else agrees a must D (slash) L
ill have ti for in a bit then, on a game called mythos atm so im not really on halo but when i get back on ill make a vid and post it on my file share for ya
Sounds good link. Sage there are a number of subtle changes from the beta, there are now 4 deployable covers to find and I fixed a bunch of breaks in the map. So you'd be better off with the latest version.
yeah im one of those people who those hints wont help lol. il try it out, thought i doubt i will get past the first, maybe second puzzle room type thing
My quick observations i should have said before..... you can skip directly to puzzle 4, you can grab the sniper and kill ur self with it, which was quite intresting to do by accident, so i could skip directly to the "take out the trash" part. BTW you had some great ideas in this one, i'm borrowing a couple to use in my current maze im wrkin on, different but the same general idea to solve, ill gibveu credit though. but if u felt like helpin me out w/ it i wouldent mind
Lol actually you did it the right way Link. You're supposed to kill yourself with the beam rifle. That takes you to the bit where you have to then shoot down the grav lift and jump past it (puzzle 2). After that you're in the hallway with the "take out the trash" bit. So, alas, you didn't skip anything. I'm glad you like the puzzle ideas and by all means use some of the ideas, just try not to completely carbon copy them, that's all I ask. let me know how you keep progressing. I'm not a fan of co-designing puzzle maps (usually ends up with conflicts of interest) but I'll be happy to test your map when you're finished.
o....... ur descriptions made it seem like i skipped from puzzle 1 to puzzle 4...... maybe a little more discretion on that..... and i do have a maze i need to test sometime, not the ebst as its fairly simple, but need to make sure you cant get out of it. add me sometime and id love the help testin, usually rely on friends but not many have been on recently. gamertags newbpwner92
Or maybe the hints weren't so obvious as you thought... Anyhoo how is the progress going on completing my map? I've yet to see a video.
My friend broke this map he figured out how to get the grav lift when outside the room so he could skip rooms and cheat his way out of rooms
Yeah yeah, that was way before I made all the fixes to the map before releasing it. That cannot be done in the final version. That's what testing is all about! If anyone ever completes this who was not a tester, I would like to see a vid. I'm interested to see how some people solve some of the puzzles. Plus I want to make sure no one broke the map
Sorry for the bump, I would normally never do so. I'm only doing so cause there have been some major updates: 1. Fixed some major breaks in the map 2. Added a walkthrough video (Since clearly no one can complete this without my help)
Ughhhhh The mongoose sandwichh I never thought killing myself would be so hard to do.>... I dunno What the heck I am supposed to do lol.
jees, this map is so incredibly hard, i doubt you could beat it without watching the video, and even then i still couldnt beat it, we figured out the firs couple parts on our own, but T-baggin a pack of cigarets to fall to your death?????? this is nigh imposible without help