I'm not exactly sure if this thread belongs in competitive or mini games but here it is. I re-made Da Boof from Halo 3. If you don't know what Da Boof was it's the little room above top mid on Rat's Nest. It's a Multiflag CTF game, first to 5 wins. The main purpose of this is for warmup before you would play matchmaking. It's a little wider but still the same fun even in 1v1. I use MLG 5Flag for the gametype which I will put in the Custom Download link. In Reach they don't allow you to put flags sideways so I put them on the ground in the corner. Loadout Camera will show this at the beginning Outside look The windows were the hardest part for me Just to give you some size comparison
Pretty original idea. Doesn't really serve much of purpose from besides what you said. Seems remade perfectly, though. I'll DL.