Introduction Re-Introduction

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hansophobia, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Hansophobia

    Hansophobia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, I was an early member to join, about number 370. I originally found your WordPress blog, and I followed that, and I embraced your switch to the unwritten Web 2.0 standards. I went away for Christmas break, and I am now back again and help to be a constant supporter in this community.

    Okay, I love HALO. I have beaten all of the games on legendary, and the second game on the Mythic difficulty. Quite hard to do actually. I am a huge fan of MLG, and I commonly play their gametypes. Also, I commonly host LAN's at my house, because I live in a rural part of Vermont that doesn't have good Internet (but due to me and my neighbors effort, we will be getting Fiber Optics by the end of September!). My favorite part of Halo is the ability to be tactical, as my skills aren't amazing (they're pretty good though...). I enjoy the cooperativeness of playing with my friends against my other friends.

    So, since me and my friends started playing common KotH and Save One Bullet games, we decided that we needed to change the hill spawns and make certain bases stronger, respectively. So I got involved with Forge. Although I do not have a XBox Live Gold Account, my Gamertag is Hansophobia, and I really enjoy playing and testing others maps (as long as my Internet is working), even though it is by myself. My recent works, which you can't see are a redux of the Tunnel CTF map, made symmetrical on Forge, as the old map had one base that was easier to defend, which caused frustration among my peers. My other map is a fully filled High Ground map that has been built for a 16 person infection gametype.

    I am going to have a 14 person LAN soon, so if you have any games that you might be effective for this party, please tell me. They could not be on the Heroic maps, because only 3 out of the 7 xbox's there will have the maps on them.

    Thanks for the introduction, and I hope to contribute greatly!
  2. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Welcome Hansophobia... if you would like some maps for a LAN party check out "The Cellars", "Training Ground", "Depot", "The Labyrinth on Ninjanaut". You sounded like a competitive player and those are some of the competitive maps to date here on FH. And if you like infection "The Estate" is a good map for many people. "7th Avenue" might also be good for your group. Enjoy... and again welcome.
  3. Hansophobia

    Hansophobia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the suggestions. I downloaded all of them, and 2v2 on training ground was quite a hit!

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