RB Tech Guide How It Works RB tech is the use of the Xbox controller's right bumper (RB) to flip an offset vehicle. The movement of this vehicle flipping is usually used to activate the interworkings of the switch. There are many different uses of RB switches. For example, the use of the vehicle switch may be to bump a fusion coil and set off a min/max switch OR it may bump into another movable object and set off the wire for a touch switch. Demonstrations 1. Power RB Switch When you put a delayed-spawn shield door interlocked with an offset vehicle it increases the flip distance Notice how far the vehicle goes when it is flipped by the player. Click my sig for more switch guides[/Center]
He didn't go into as much detail as he has in his other guides. Rushed maybe? But it's not complicated. A more practical example would be to just set a fusion coil on top of an upside down vehicle at a height that would destroy the fusion coil when it hit. Rig a min/max switch with fusion coils. Flip the vehicle and the fusion coil falls, blows up causing the other to spawn. A very good use of this is in Metawaddledee's L4D rooftop finale remake. He uses it to simulate using the radio to call for evac and therefore releasing the zombies.
Anyway i did just finish a post with all of this info together so people will stop moaning HERE Plus there are only currently 9 switch techs to make guides for (11 total techs) unlike the limitless amounts of possible maps to post.