Razor Ridge

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AShottInTheDark, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. AShottInTheDark

    AShottInTheDark Forerunner

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    Hi, this is my first map so even though I wasn't going for anything professional, I did want to create a fun asymmetric BTB map that focused more on foot combat rather than vehicle combat. The map consists of two bases, one for red team and one for blue team and there are various walkways and man cannons connecting the two bases together. The general layout of the map is done and objectives for various modes are in place, but I honestly haven't been able to get a good custom game going on this map to make sure its balanced so if anyone downloads it and gets a good game going I would love to get feedback on what needs work and tweaking. Thanks and I hope you enjoy it.

    Man cannon leaving red base.

    Highway leaving red base.

    Quick exit from blue base.

    Red base.

    Man cannons to center plateau.

    Banshee platforms behind both bases.

    Another angle of the man cannons to the center.

    Walkway between red base and center plateau.

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